The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Is it possible to place children in preschools and institutions of general secondary education with a certificate of IDP?

Children with the status of internally displaced persons or children who have the status of a child who suffered as a result of hostilities and armed conflicts have the privilege of enrolling in municipal (state) preschool and general secondary education institutions. At the same time, when submitting an application for the child's enrollment, the parents or other legal representatives of the child must present the original document confirming the child's status - a certificate of registration at the place of actual residence.

What documents must be submitted to enroll a child with special needs in an inclusive group if the child has temporarily moved from the occupied territory?

It is necessary to submit an application from one of the parents (other legal representatives) of a child with special needs and a conclusion on a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assessment of the child's development provided by an inclusive resource center. The head of the preschool forms an inclusive group and provides the inclusive education taking into account the level of support recommended by the inclusive resource center (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine โ€œOn Approval of the Procedure for Organizing Inclusive Education in Preschool Education Institutionsโ€ (2019). No. 530 dated April 10, 2019) mceclip0.png.

During martial law, to create an inclusive group, a certificate of IDP registration (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 1, 2014, No. 509 "On Registration of Internally Displaced Persons") is additionally submitted if available. An inclusive group is formed for the validity period of the IDP certificate or until the departure of the person with special needs to another residence. Relevant recommendations on the organization of the educational process for persons with disabilities who moved to other regions of Ukraine for temporary residence have been provided by letter of The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 03/28/2022 No. 1/3710-22 mceclip0.png.

To enroll a child in a special and inclusive group of preschool institutions a conclusion of the inclusive resource center on a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assessment of the child's development is required. How can it be recovered if lost during a move?

If the conclusion of the inclusive resource center on the comprehensive psycho-pedagogical assessment of the child's development, which was issued before the introduction of martial law in Ukraine is lost, then the parents (other legal representatives) of a child with special needs can get a copy of the conclusion on the portal AS "IRC" mceclip0.png.

If it is impossible to obtain a copy of the conclusion on your own, the parents (other legal representatives) of a child with special needs can apply to the inclusive resource center at the child's place of temporary residence and obtain a copy of the conclusion or conduct an initial (secondary) comprehensive psycho-pedagogical assessment of the individual's development.

How to order a duplicate document on general secondary education?

A person who has lost a document on education must contact the educational institution that issued this document. The legal representative of the applicant can apply on their behalf. Persons who obtained general secondary education in educational institutions in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, educational institutions in individual settlements of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as in occupied territories, can order a duplicate of the document on obtaining general secondary education according to the procedure established by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated August 8, 2014 No. 917 mceclip0.png. Such persons or their legal representatives have the right to apply to any institution of general secondary education of the appropriate degree at the place of temporary residence or stay of the graduate or their legal representative.

In the absence of a certificate or other written data regarding the results of the annual evaluation of educational achievements for filling out the supplement to the certificate of completion of basic secondary or complete general secondary education, the educational institution evaluates the academic achievements of such a graduate.

Before receiving a duplicate under the established procedure following the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 28.03.2022 No. 274, it is necessary to apply to any general secondary education institution in the territory where hostilities are not taking place, with an application to provide information about a document on general secondary education received in Ukraine, submitted in any way.

In addition, a person who has information about the series and the number of the document on general secondary education has the opportunity to issue an electronic request on the website of the unified state electronic database on education (EDEBO) mceclip0.png and receive by email all the information about the document on education contained in the Register of Education Documents of the unified state electronic database on education, including in the form of an electronic extract with a qualified electronic signature and seal of the technical administrator of the unified state electronic database on education.

What targeted support does the state provide for studying in professional, vocational, and higher education institutions?

State-targeted support is provided in the form of:

  • full payment of education using the funds of the general fund of the state or local budgets in the case of enrolling of the prospective students under the state (regional) order;
  • partial payment of education at the expense of state or local budgets by providing enrolled persons at the cost of individuals and legal entities preferential long-term loans for obtaining professional (vocational-technical), professional pre-higher and higher education;
  • priority transfer of applicants for education enrolled following the conditions and rules of admission to study based on agreements concluded with a physical or legal entity, to study at places under the state (regional) order in state or municipal institutions of professional (vocational-technical), professional higher education and higher education obtained due to the redistribution of the available volumes of the state (regional) order by the institution of professional (vocational), professional pre-university, higher education or the relevant state customer;
  • social scholarship - for persons who are studying under state or regional order for full-time education, in accordance with the Procedure for the use of funds provided in the state budget for the payment of social scholarship to students (cadets) of higher educational institutions;
  • free provision of textbooks - at the expense of the library fund of the relevant educational institution;
  • free access to the Internet, database systems in the state and municipal educational institutions;
  • free accommodation in student dormitories or accommodation in student dormitories with preferential payment - for persons who are studying in a full-time form of education.
What categories of citizens are provided with state-targeted support?

State-targeted support for obtaining professional (vocational and technical), professional pre-higher and higher education is provided for:

  • persons recognized as participants in hostilities, persons with disabilities as a result of the war, victims of the Revolution of Dignity in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection";
  • children of persons recognized as participants in hostilities, persons with disabilities as a result of the war, victims of the Revolution of Dignity in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection";
  • children living in settlements on the contact line;
  • to children, one of whose parents died (missing) during the participation in the โ€‹โ€‹ATO, implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, rebuffing and deterring the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, hostilities or armed conflicts, or died as a result of injury, contusion or mutilations received during the participation in ATO, implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, rebuffing and deterring armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, hostilities or armed conflicts, as well as due to illness acquired during the period of participation in the ATO, implementation of measures with ensuring national security and defense, rebuffing and deterring armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions;
  • children of persons who died as a result of wounds, mutilation, contusion, or other health damage received during participation in the Revolution of Dignity, as well as children of persons who were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine for civic courage, patriotism, heroic defense of the constitutional principles of democracy, human rights and freedoms, selfless service to the Ukrainian people, revealed during the Revolution of Dignity;
  • children registered as IDPs.
What documents confirm the right to benefits for education?

List of documents:

  • certificate of a participant in hostilities of the standard form;
  • an identity card of the person with a disability as a result of the war of the standard form;
  • a certificate of a family member of the deceased (for children of deceased persons before they reach the age of 16 โ€“ a certificate issued to the mother or another adult family member of the deceased person, or the guardian) of the standard form;
  • child's birth certificate; certificate of registration of IDPs of standard form;
  • a certificate of the registration of an IDP of the standard form;
  • a certificate of registration of a person's place of residence of the standard form.
How to get a certificate of education at a professional (vocational and technical) education institution to submit to the military commissariat?

To obtain a certificate of study, you must contact the administration of the educational institution.

If the professional technical school is located in a war zone and it is impossible to contact the institution's administration it is necessary to contact the Department of Education and Science of the relevant Regional Military Administration.

Additionally: Students and employees of vocational education institutions were exempted from the draft during the mobilization.

How to transfer to another region's professional (vocational and technical) education institution?

The student (parents or legal representatives) must submit an application to the vocational education institution where he studied or to the Department of Education and Science of the Regional Military Administration.

The application must indicate the profession and the institution to which the student wants to transfer.

The application can be submitted in any way (via mail, Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, etc.). If it is not possible to submit an application to the educational institution or the Department of Education and Science of Regional Military Administration, it can be submitted to the institution where the student plans to transfer or to the Department of Education and Science (depending on the location of the institution).

How to recover lost documents on higher education? What to do if the documents on documents are lost or damaged and the Educational Institution that issued them is located in a temporarily occupied territory or a combat zone?
In case of loss of the document on higher education the educational institution makes a duplicate of the document on higher education. Duplicates of the document on higher education and its supplement are issued upon written application of the person in whose name the document on higher education was issued, which is submitted by him personally or by an authorized representative to the educational institution that issued the document on higher education.
If the educational institution that issued the document is reorganized through merger, merger or liquidation, the application is submitted to its legal successor. In the absence of a legal successor of an educational institution that has ceased its activities, as well as if the educational institution does not carry out educational activities (the license for carrying out educational activities has been canceled, the educational institution has not been moved from a settlement located on the territory beyond the control of the Ukrainian authorities), the application must be submitted to Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine, which establishes the educational institution that creates the request to the unified state electronic database on education (EDEBO), makes and issues a document (duplicate document) on the higher education to a person.
The application for issuing a duplicate must include the following data:
  • surname, first name, patronymic (if available), date of birth;
  • series (if available), number, by whom and when the identity document confirming Ukrainian citizenship or the identity document confirming its special status was issued;
  • taxpayer registration card number (if available);
  • unique record number in the Unified State Demographic Register (if available);
  • place of residence, phone number (if available) of the person in whose name the document on higher education was issued;
  • the name of the educational institution and the year of its graduation;
  • the name of the document on higher education, a duplicate of which is ordered;
  • the name of the specialty (field of training, specialization, educational program), the reason for ordering a duplicate of a document on higher education and other information that the person in whose name the document on higher education was issued considers essential for obtaining a duplicate.

If the educational institution was moved from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine to the territory under the control of the Ukrainian authorities or is located outside the war zone, the owner of the document (or their representative) can apply to the educational institution for the issuance of a duplicate of the document on education. If you do not have the opportunity to renew the document on education, the certificate about the obtained educational qualification or the period of study at an educational institution based on the data contained in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education and other sources can be useful. The certificate will indicate the right to continue studying (academic rights) if possible.

To check the availability of the necessary information specifically regarding your documents and the possibility of obtaining such a certificate, you must write to the email: and send copies or photos of following documents on education:

  • documents on education that need to be confirmed;
  • the previous and subsequent documents on education and their supplements;
  • other documents on education.
What is the "Universities for Ukraine" grant program?

This is an aid program for Ukrainian scientists who are currently in a crisis situation due to the war.

How does it work?

Academic researchers and scientists in Ukraine can receive a one-time grant of $5,000 to continue their research during the war. To do this, you need to apply through the Universities For Ukraine Economists for Ukraine website at the link:

To be selected, candidates must demonstrate the following:

  • the fact of receiving a scholarship while staying in Ukraine (for example, publications made before the Russian invasion while working in a Ukrainian institution of higher education or a research institution);
  • desire to stay in Ukraine, confirmed by the applicant;
  • a research plan describing how the fellowship will enable them to conduct additional research activities.

Those scientists who have left for another country but wish to return to Ukraine can also submit an application. This initiative is managed by "Economists for Ukraine" mceclip0.png and "Science for Ukraine" mceclip0.png with the institutional support of the AI for Good Foundation mceclip0.png and funding provided by many universities in the USA and Europe.

Free online Polish language courses for schoolchildren.

The Language Supp Ukraina project will teach Ukrainian immigrant children the Polish language for free. The main goal is to help schoolchildren overcome the language barrier and integrate into the Polish education system. Children from 6 to 18 years old can apply for the course.

To register for the course, you need:

  1. Create an account on the platform mceclip0.png.
  2. Pass the test to determine the level of Polish language proficiency.
  3. Based on the test result, the student will be enrolled in the corresponding course (A1, A2 or B1).

Training is held online on the platform in groups of up to six people twice a week. The lesson lasts an hour and a half. 12 weeks are allotted for learning the level, after which the child passes the test and, if successful, moves to the next level.

More details at the link:ย 

What is "The Education Equality Institute"?

On the UFU platform, you can find resources to help you improve your professional skills. One of them is The Education Equality Institute (TEEI).

Free TEEI advanced training courses:

  • vary from introductory classes to specialized training;
  • combine self-study with teacher-led classes, workshops and mentoring in collaboration with leading companies and experts;
  • suitable for any skill level: from beginner to advanced;
  • available in Ukrainian, English, German and Norwegian languages.

TEEI's professional development courses are diverse: web development, software development, data science, machine learning, automation, HR, marketing, project management, business intelligence, communication, CV and job interview, training, entrepreneurship, finance, and business.

The list of professional development courses can be found at the following link:

TEEI also has a mentoring program where experts on subjects help students with advanced learning. Support includes ongoing support, motivation and advice on achieving your learning goals.

Register for advanced training and mentoring programs by The Education Equality Institute at

Prometheus free courses for immigrants.

Currently, 7 free English courses are available on Prometheus:

  • English for beginners. Elementary level (A1-A2) โ€” 25 classes.
  • English for career growth โ€” duration of 5 weeks.
  • English for media literacy โ€” duration of 5 weeks.
  • English for business and entrepreneurship โ€” duration of 5 weeks.
  • English for journalists โ€” duration of 5 weeks.
  • English for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) โ€” duration of 5 weeks.
  • Business English โ€” duration of 5 weeks.

You can learn more about the courses by following the link mceclip0.png.

The Prometheus educational platform also opened enrollment for a free online course for internally displaced persons. This was reported in the Ministry of Reintegration mceclip0.png.


  • social guarantees;
  • legal consultations;
  • medical support;
  • employment;
  • education.

The course will help immigrants to adapt to a new environment faster. You can register for the course via the link mceclip0.png.ย 


Free e-commerce educational program for immigrants and veterans in Ukraine.

In Ukraine, the E-Export Intensive educational program on electronic commerce was launched, the Ministry of Economy reports. They will teach you how to start your own business, open a store and make your first sales on eBay, Etsy, Amazon, and Shopify platforms.

The program is designed for:

  • entrepreneurs who, because of the war, are forced to restart their business;
  • immigrants and veterans who have not run a business before, but would like to start their own business.

During June and July, a series of practical webinars will be held, during which you will be able to familiarize yourself with all aspects of work in the e-commerce segment, in particular, export, and gain practical skills for increasing sales through effective promotional activities.

The E-Export Intensive program is implemented on the basis of the Ukrposhta E-Export School project with the support of the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the Office for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Export, the national project Diya.Biznes, the USAID Program "Competitive Economy of Ukraine", Payoneer and Disqover Agency.

Registration for seminars:


The Diia.Osvita platform will allow Ukrainians to learn new professions online.

The Ministry of Digital Transformation launched the Action.Education platform. Here you can both acquire useful digital skills and master a new profession from scratch.

Free training takes place in the following formats: educational series, tests, simulators, guides, webinars. Among the lecturers are experts, well-known figures and opinion leaders.

You can also go through the full cycle of acquiring a profession on the platform:

  1. passing a career orientation test;
  2. choosing a profession based on recommendations;
  3. training with practical tasks;
  4. obtaining a certificate;
  5. job search in your region.

Platform Diia.Osvita:ย 

Study grant for migrant students "Come back home".

The Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) provides a grant for studies in bachelor's programs for Ukrainian students who were forced to leave abroad after February 24, 2022 and live there.

The grant covers the full cost of education for 4 years and partial accommodation.

Available training on the following programs:

  • business economy;
  • economy and big data;
  • software engineering and business analysis;
  • cyber security;
  • Applied Mathematics;
  • law;
  • Internet of things;
  • psychology;
  • Artificial Intelligence.

The grant is awarded to those who have received a positive decision of the grant committee and have 174-200 points on the mathematics test and the English language test on the ZNO 2020 or ZNO 2021 or NMT 2022 or NMT 2023.

"Come back home" grant:ย 

Applying for an online study voucher for immigrants.

According to the Ministry of Reintegration:

Since June 1, the procedure for obtaining vouchers for education has been simplified. Now it is enough to fill out the online form on the website of the State Employment Service. The application will be processed within 3 working days.

After the decision to issue a voucher is made, an employee of the employment center will accompany the person until the signing of the contract with the educational institution. We remind you that IDPs of working age can receive study vouchers.

It gives the right to study at educational institutions free of charge, in particular:

  • retraining in the labor profession,
  • training in a specialty for obtaining a master's degree or a master's degree in another specialty,
  • specialization or advanced training.


Online form for obtaining a study voucher:ย 

How to enroll in a Ukrainian educational institution online?

Step 1

From July 1.

Register an electronic cabinet on the website


  • login (e-mail);
  • password;
  • series and number of the education document;
  • data of NMT/VET certificates;
  • contact number.

Upload a photo of yourself (not a selfie) and mention your education documents or previous year's final exam certificates if needed.

Step 2

If your specialty involves passing a creative competition or an interview, they will take place:

  • from July 7 to 18 - for budget education;
  • until July 31 - on contract.

July 19-31.

Apply for admission.


  • the degree you want to get;
  • basis of admission;
  • specialty, tender offer, form of education, source of funding.

Indicate the priority of applications for the budget and download the motivation letter.

Step 3

Until August 5.

Track changes in application statuses.

After receiving a recommendation for enrollment:

  • confirm the choice of place of study;
  • meet the enrollment requirements;
  • conclude a contract for the provision of educational services.


Current study grants.

1. Grant for Ukrainian students from the European Central Bank.

Ukrainian students can receive a grant from the European Central Bank to finance their studies and other related expenses.

The amount of the grant: 10 thousand euros.

Number of scholars: 15.

To pass the selection criteria, the participant must:

  • have Ukrainian citizenship;
  • be enrolled (or plan to enroll) in a master's program in computing, economics, engineering, law, statistics, or other relevant fields (for example, mathematics, finance, political science);
  • the average grade in undergraduate studies must be 80 points or more.

Deadline: August 4.

To apply for a grant, fill out the form on the website of the European Central Bank.



2. Grants for studies from the Kyiv School of Economics.

The Kyiv School of Economics offers grants for:

  • defenders, their children and internally displaced persons;
  • winners of high points, winners of student Olympiads, contests, tournaments;
  • those who were forced to leave the country after February 24 and live abroad.

Grants fully cover tuition fees and partially cover living expenses. There is a separate application form for each category of applicants.

Application deadline: until the end of July.

Details can be found on the website of the Kyiv School of Economics.



Hotline MES. Consultations for the introductory company.

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Culture's advisory telephone line at the number 0 (800) 50-45-70, as well as the e-mail, which will receive citizens' appeals, have started working.

During the entire admission campaign (June 23 - August 11, 2023), the Ministry's experts will work to monitor admission, advise citizens and promptly respond to possible violations.

In addition, you can contact the government hotline at 1545 and 0 800 50 44 25 - for people with TOT, and by following the link - read information about the educational centers "Crimea - Ukraine" and "Donbas - Ukraine".


Free online training for immigrant families.

Children from Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Mykolaiv regions, Buchansky district of Kyiv region, as well as children or relatives of military personnel who have the status of combatants in the war with Russia, can receive educational services in online format free of charge.

Children, one of whose parents died or was seriously injured during the war, can study for free in the face-to-face format in the city of Kyiv.

Currently, 350 students from different parts of Ukraine and the world study at the institution free of charge. Some of them are in the temporarily occupied territories, but continue to get Ukrainian education.

Learn more about the conditions of study at the link:ย 

List of useful platforms and programs for training.

1. Learning Passport mceclip0.pngย - an online platform with a library of quality educational materials for non-formal education, which can serve as a supplement to formal educational programs. Games, podcasts, books, stories, fairy tales, Ukrainian language lessons, etc. are collected here for children. There are also courses for parents and educators, such as a mental health safety course.

2. mceclip0.pngย - offers parents the opportunity to choose the appropriate online platform for their child's education. The site was developed in partnership with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

3. TED mceclip0.pngย - a free Telegram channel on the comprehensive development of Ukrainians.

4. "Volunteer" Community Center mceclip0.pngย - free online courses for teenagers and parents.

5. UA EDU HUB project mceclip0.pngย from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine โ€” free educational programs in various cities of Ukraine.

6. Platform in Diya mceclip0.png, which allows you to master any profession from scratch: courses, videos, all materials. More at the link:

7. Public space mceclip0.pngย - a platform for contests, grants and free opportunities for young people.

8. Big Idea mceclip0.pngย - a platform for contests, grants and free opportunities for young people.

9. We dream and act together mceclip0.pngย - a platform for contests, grants and free opportunities for young people.

Scholarship bases of programs for Ukrainians abroad.

1. Chevening mceclip0.png is a master's scholarship program funded by the British government. Among the benefits of the program: full funding, access to the highest quality education in the world, unique opportunities for networking, the opportunity to get to know the British culture better. Recruitment for the 2024/2025 program begins in August 2023.

2. Fulbright mceclip0.png is a scholarship program for students, teachers, and scientists funded by the US Government. Ukrainians can receive scholarships for study and research in the USA. Students can apply for the program until May 16 each year.

3. Eiffel Excellence Scholarship mceclip0.pngย โ€“ a scholarship program for masters and doctoral students funded by the French government. You can get scholarships for studying in France in any field of knowledge. However, there are age restrictions for program participants: up to 25 years for master's students, 30 for doctoral students. Enrollment for the program opens in the fall.

4. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships mceclip0.pngย โ€“ a scholarship program for masters and doctoral students funded by the Swiss Government. The program has two types of scholarships: research scholarships and art scholarships (for students studying art). Recruitment for the program begins in early August.

5. Holland Scholarship mceclip0.png: A scholarship program for students funded by the Dutch government. You can get scholarships for studies at the bachelor's and master's levels in the Netherlands. On the website, you need to choose a university that participates in the program and follow the application submission dates to check when exactly the application starts.

6. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) mceclip0.pngย / funds the program "Ukraine of the future - a scholarship program for refugees from Ukraine at German universities" from the funds of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AA).

7. Union Forum mceclip0.pngย - opportunities for youth: ESC, EVS, international volunteer camps, Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges since 1991.

8. Flex mceclip0.png - The most famous scholarship for admission to the USA for Ukrainians. schoolchildren.

9. Ukraine Global Scholars (UGS) mceclip0.pngย - Ukrainian scholarship program for studying in the best colleges in the world (In particular: admission to the USA).


Chatbot from the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.

There you can find out any information about admission and necessary documents or ask other important questions

Children's recreation support program from the Ministry of Social Policy.

On June 1, the government launched a program to monetize children's health and recreation services based on the "money follows the child" principle.

From now on, the state will pay parents money, which they can use to independently purchase a ticket for their child to a health and recreation camp. In order to receive funds, parents (or persons replacing him/her) need only open a special card in "PrivatBank", which will be credited with UAH 14,165 for each child.

Next, choose a camp in the Carpathian region from the list of institutions of the highest category and purchase a ticket.

Currently, parents can independently check themselves in the list of recipients of funds, as well as choose and book a ticket to a health and recreation facility at the link:

Detailed information here:ย 

Opportunities for schoolchildren (programs and grants).

On the link mceclip0.pngย you can familiarize yourself with long-term, short-term and academic programs, grants for projects, a useful list of organizations and resources.

Registration of a child born at TOT.

Parents or relatives of the child must send an application and copies (scans or photos) of the necessary documents to the e-mail address

The list of documents that must be submitted to register the birth of a child:

  1. Birth registration application (arbitrary form), which states: child (surname, first name and (if available) patronymic, gender, date of birth, place of birth); mother and father (surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, citizenship, registered place of residence (if available), passport details).
  2. Passports of the parents (one of them) and the applicant (in case the state birth registration is not carried out by the parents, but by another person).
  3. Marriage certificate (if available).
  4. Medical document that is the basis for birth registration: medical birth certificate; a certificate issued by a medical worker who was present during the birth or who conducted the first examination of the newborn.

After birth registration, applicants will receive a copy of the child's birth certificate by e-mail.

In order to receive the original document, relatives or their representatives (by power of attorney) must apply to any department of the RACS in the territory controlled by Ukraine, providing the original documents.

More detailed information can be read in the source at the link:

What do parents of schoolchildren who are abroad need to know?

From September 1, changes in the curriculum began to take effect for Ukrainian children abroad.

According to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, students will study the Ukrainian school curriculum remotely for 6-8 hours a week. Children learn the rest of the subjects in the schools where they are. This part of the training will be credited to them automatically.

Also according to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine:

  • the re-enrollment system for the remaining academic disciplines was simplified;
  • a special educational program "Global Ukraine" was developed;
  • the new form of education for children abroad operates only in selected remote schools in each region, which means that the workload of teachers and classes where they can work full-time or mixed is reduced.
Source mceclip0.png.
Organizations in Ukraine that provide comprehensive assistance to families with children.

Gate to Ukraine

Gate to Ukraine is a platform that allows people from all over the world to help Ukrainian families.

We provide assistance to people from the active war zone and de-occupied/occupied territories who have at least one minor child.

To receive assistance, please fill out the form here:

Once the application is received, it is translated into English and posted on the website. When a donation is received in response to the request, the funds are sent to a card or bank account. Upon receipt of the funds, Gate to Ukraine asks you to record a short video thank you for your donor.

Psychological support project "Poruch"

The "Poruch" project is an online and in-person psychological support group for teenagers and parents whose normal lives have been disrupted by the war.

The psychologists work to ensure that the experience of each of them does not remain an insurmountable trauma for life.

PORUCH is a joint project of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the NGO Volunteer Center.

Club of benefactors

The Goodwill Club helps:

  • families with minor children (up to 17 years old inclusive) who have left the frontline areas and temporarily occupied territories;
  • families with minor children (up to 17 years old inclusive) who remain in the frontline areas;
  • persons raising minor children on their own (up to and including 17 years of age) - single mothers, fathers, guardians.

About once a month, the foundation opens a questionnaire for applicants to fill out. The assistance may vary depending on the needs of the children.

You can find out about the opening of the application form on the pages of the Goodwill Club:ย 


The Future for Ukraine Foundation has opened the LEVCHYK SPECTRUM HUB for children with autism spectrum disorders who have fled the war zone.

Classes are held individually and on the basis of documents provided by parents confirming the diagnosis of ASD. The assistance is free of charge.ย 

A list of schools where children who are currently abroad can study remotely.

The Ministry of Education and Science has published a list of schools where children who are currently abroad and study simultaneously in the school of the host country and in Ukraine can study.

In such schools, children have the right to study only subjects with a Ukrainian component:

  • Ukrainian language
  • Ukrainian literature;
  • History of Ukraine.

This will help avoid a double burden of studying in Ukrainian and foreign schools in parallel. Parents can also choose another form of education for their child: family or external education.

Students will be temporarily transferred to classes for Ukrainian studies and will be able to continue their studies at their schools upon returning to Ukraine or if they wish to study again in standard distance, family, or external forms. The Ministry of Education and Science is developing the technical feasibility of this.

The list of schools where classes will be formed to study the Ukrainian component can be found here:ย 

Admission of students from the temporarily occupied territories to universities by interview.

In 2024, applicants from the temporarily occupied territories will be able to enter Ukrainian universities by interview, without taking the National Multisubject Test (NMT).

Also, next year, the NMT and master's entrance exams will not be held in the temporarily occupied territories and in the combat zone.

To apply for admission, students should contact the educational centers "Crimea-Ukraine" and "Donbas-Ukraine" that help people from the temporarily occupied territories enter Ukrainian universities.ย