The information on this page was collected from public resources.

How to report the fact of damage/destruction of housing?

There are two ways to do this:

  • via โ€œDiiaโ€ (in the application or on the website);
  • in person (at the Administrative Services Center).

Only the owner of the apartment can submit an application. Submission algorithm:

  • open โ€œDiiaโ€;
  • select the section โ€œservicesโ€ and โ€œdamaged propertyโ€;
  • fill out the form (indicate all the necessary information, add the data about the object, photo/video of the damage and contacts).

If your property is in the State Register of Property Rights to Immovable Property, its information will be retrieved automatically in the โ€œDiiaโ€ application. Then all you need to do is to select from the menu which property is damaged.

Decisions on compensation will be made by local self-government bodies, which will create appropriate Commissions for consideration of compensation issues. These commissions will consider the applications, conduct an inspection of the destroyed housing and determine the amount of compensation. The amount of compensation will be calculated according to a special methodology currently being developed by the Government.

It is important to follow these rules when recording damage or destruction :

  • Photo or video must be of good quality. It is better to enable geolocation on the phone in advance.
  • Comment your location, date, time and details of the damage. If possible, capture information from third parties who must first introduce themselves.
  • Take multi-faceted photos (close-up), capture all damages (external and internal) on the camera. Show the area and nearby objects.
  • Keep the original photos and videos, do not use graphic editors, inscriptions, etc.
  • Save the original photos and videos on different media: flash drive, file exchange, etc.

Source mceclip0.png.

What is the procedure for submitting the application for compensation?

Currently, registered draft Law No.7198 mceclip0.png, which provides for a compensation mechanism for damaged and destroyed property. But it should be noted that the draft law has not yet been adopted and is under consideration by the Verkhovna Rada.

The procedure is described in Article 3 of the draft Law mceclip0.png.

The application for the compensation is submitted to the Commission for consideration of compensation issues based at the location of destroyed and damaged property. It is assumed that the application is submitted during martial law and within 90 calendar days from its termination date.

1. The application for compensation may be submitted:

  • Online on the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services, as well as via the application of the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services - by a citizen of Ukraine;
  • In paper form at the Center for the provision of administrative services, bodies of social protection of the population or a notary.

One of the following documents must be added to the application, depending on the case:

  • a document confirming ownership (proof of ownership);
  • a document confirming investing and funding the construction;
  • a document confirming the death of the owner;
  • a document confirming membership in a housing cooperative and purchase of the apartment;
  • a document confirming the right to priority compensation.

After the adoption and entry into force of the law, special commissions will be created to draw up inspection reports of the house/apartment. The commissions will be created based on the location of the destroyed or damaged property.

If the property is severely damaged, the local government can involve the experts to draw up a report on whether the housing can be used in the future.

After that, the application is registered at the Register of Damaged and Destroyed Property.

How long do you have to wait for compensation?

There is no official information on this yet because the draft law mceclip0.png has not yet been adopted.

However, the procedure of reporting the damage/destruction of property is immediate. After that, the verification process begins. The draft law provides that the commission should consider the application for no longer than 30 calendar days.

To whom and for what will compensation be paid?

According to the draft law, Ukrainian citizens who are owners of damaged or destroyed property, invested in construction, are members of housing cooperatives, or heirs of all the mentioned persons will be able to receive compensation. Also, housing cooperatives, managers of apartment buildings and cooperatives. Compensation will be received on a first-come, first-served basis. But the priority recipients of such payments will be large families, people with disabilities groups I and II, combatants and people with disabilities due to war.

Important: nonresidential property, cars, or household items (even if they were in a residential building) do not qualify for compensation.

What is the method of obtaining compensation and the payment amount?

According to Article 4 of the draft law mceclip0.png, there are several ways to receive this compensation:

  • in the form of cash (they will be transferred to your current account - with a special mode of use for these purposes);
  • in the form of payment to finance the construction of new housing;
  • in the form of financing the restoration of damaged property.

The amount of compensation will depend on the value of the home and the extent of its damage.

If the compensation is in the form of housing construction financing, then you can only count on compensation within the size of โ€‹โ€‹the destroyed property (maximum size is up to 150 square meters). Those who lost larger property and want to restore it to its original size will have to pay for extra square meters above the norm.

Is preferential crediting available to people who have lost their homes?

Yes, it is available. This option available with the program initiated by the president - eOselia mceclip0.png.

What is โ€œeOseliaโ€?

eOselia mceclip0.png is a new affordable mortgage program initiated by the President of Ukraine. The program aims to give Ukrainians loans for housing at a low-interest rate and long term.

Military personnel, law enforcement officers, doctors, educators and scientists can participate in the program. The most preferential loan conditions are provided for them - a 3% rate for up to 20 years with a downpayment of 20%.

The second stage of the program is planned to launch this year. Under this program, other Ukrainians can get loans at a 7% rate per annum.

How and where to apply for a housing loan under the โ€œeOseliaโ€ program?

You can submit an application via the โ€œDiiaโ€ app.

The application will be considered within three days.

In the application, you must specify the following:

  • marital status;
  • data of the other spouse;
  • the number of children under 18;
  • average monthly income of the family.

It is also necessary to clarify the data about the desired housing and the bank. In one application, you can choose only one bank from the list: Oschadbank, Privatbank, Ukrgasbank, "Globus Bankโ€ and Sky Bank.

Then you must wait for a response with the bank's offer and further instructions within 24 hours.

Next stage: Choosing the housing. You will need to collect the documents and submit them to the bank. After that, sign a contract for the purchase of housing and a contract for a mortgage.

The area of โ€‹โ€‹housing for which you can take a loan depends on the size of the family. One person is entitled to an apartment with an area of up to 52.5 square meters. An additional 21 square meters are allowed for each subsequent family member.

Under the terms of the program, you can look for housing both among the primary and secondary housing markets. An apartment in an apartment building must be put into operation no more than ten years before the date of signing of the contract if such a real estate object is located in the regional center.

How can IDPs find free shelter in the western regions?

The Ministry of Reintegration has shared the telephone numbers of the hotlines that provide advice on free settlement in the western regions.


LVIV REGION: within the Lviv region, call the short number 112, if in the territory of other regions: (032) 259-60-31

CHERNIVTSI REGION: 0 800 335 047

VOLYN REGION: (066) 657-09-15, (033) 277-82-11

TERNOPIL REGION: 0 800 335 975


RIVNE REGION: (098) 505-83-25, (097) 008-81-91

Compensation for destroyed and damaged dwellings

The other day, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the Law introducing the possibility of compensation for destroyed and damaged housing. The Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine informed about this.

In accordance with the Law, compensation for destroyed and damaged property can be received by:

  • owners of apartments, other residential premises, private houses, garden houses and country houses;
  • customers of the construction of private, garden and country houses (natural persons);
  • physical persons who invested or financed the construction;
  • members of housing cooperatives who bought housing, but did not issue ownership rights to it;
  • the heirs of the above mentioned persons.

Compensation can be given in two ways:

  1. Housing certificate for the amount of compensation, confirming the state guarantee of financing the purchase of an apartment or other residential premises within the amount of compensation (for owners of destroyed apartments and other residential premises in the building). It is possible to use the certificate and buy a new home within 5 years.
  2. At the request of the owner of the destroyed private residential building, monetary compensation is possible by transferring it to the current account of the recipient of compensation with a special mode of use for financing the construction of the house.

It will be possible to submit an application for compensation through Diia, Tsnap, social security agencies or a notary. Decisions on compensation will be made by local self-government bodies, which will create the appropriate Commissions for consideration of issues related to compensation. These commissions will consider the applications, conduct an inspection of the destroyed housing and determine the compensation amount. The amount of compensation will be calculated in accordance with a special methodology that is currently being developed by the Government.

Information source:

Do resettled people have to pay a debt for housing and communal services?

Recently, the Government adopted a resolution prohibiting the collection of debts for housing and communal services from citizens, which were formed after February 24, 2022.

This applies to displaced persons who left their homes in the war zone or temporarily occupied territories (the list of territories can be found on the website of the Ministry of Reintegration).

Migrants must provide the utility service provider or the manager of the apartment building with documents confirming their absence, for example:

  • certificate of an internally displaced person;
  • a document on temporary shelter in a foreign country;
  • documents from work, regarding treatment, training, military service.


The list of categories of IDPs eligible for temporary housing has been changed.

In Ukraine, the list of categories of internally displaced persons (IDPs) who have the right to receive temporary housing has been added.

As reported by the Ministry of Reintegration, the Cabinet of Ministers recently approved changes to the Procedure for the formation of housing funds intended for the temporary residence of IDPs.

Temporary housing will be provided:

  • employees of enterprises that were relocated to safe regions;
  • IDPs who belong to vulnerable population groups.

Vulnerable categories include, in particular:

  • persons with disabilities;
  • persons over 60 years of age;
  • orphans and children deprived of parental care;
  • persons who raise a child independently;
  • families of servicemen who take direct part in hostilities;
  • large and low-income families, etc.


Simplified registration of the place of residence of the displaced persons.

The registration of the place of residence is simplified for persons whose housing is located on the TOT (temporarily occupied territory) or in the combat zone.

This was reported by the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets.

From now on, a person whose home is located on the TOT or in a war zone can register in a new place without deregistration of the previous one.

There is also a simplified procedure for registering a place of residence for immigrant children:

  • during the period of temporary occupation, the place of registration of such children will be considered the registered place of residence of their parents, or one of them with whom the child lives;
  • if the place of residence of the parents is registered at different addresses, a written application of the legal representative with whom the child lives is submitted.

This law will simplify the access of temporarily displaced persons to social, administrative and other services guaranteed by the state.



In Ukraine, the state program of assistance in the restoration of housing is Erecovery.

The aid concerns the restoration of private houses, apartments and residential premises. As part of the program, you can receive up to UAH 200,000. for purchasing building materials and ordering repair services. This was reported on the "Diya" website.

Funds can be obtained if housing:

  • damaged due to hostilities after February 24, 2022;
  • is subject to restoration based on the commission's evaluation results;
  • located in unoccupied territory (according to the list of territories where hostilities are (were) taking place or temporarily occupied, approved by the Ministry of Reintegration).

UPD: Previously, homeowners could receive compensation for damaged housing only if it was not repaired on their own. However, the government recently made changes to the eRecovery program. From now on, Ukrainians who repaired damaged housing on their own will also be able to receive compensation for expenses.

It is planned that the compensation mechanism will be ready in the fall, after which payments will also be received by owners of restored housing.

To receive funds, you need:

  1. Submit a report about damaged property in the application or through the Diya portal, if you have not submitted it before.
  2. To open an account isRenewal in the bank (before or during the application).
  3. Submit an application for assistance through Diya.
  4. Wait for a call from the local authority commission to inspect the property and determine the amount of assistance.
  5. Wait for a notification about the commission's decision in Action.
  6. Get money on the card is Recovery.

You can issue a card:

  • online: download the application of the partner bank and open the eRecovery card;
  • offline: contact the call center or branch of the partner bank of the program.

Banks-partners of the program: A-Bank, Monobank, PrivatBank, PUIB, Sense Bank.

You can also submit an application to receive funds at the National Social Insurance Agency or by contacting the social security agency in your community.


How to restore documents on the ownership right?

If a person wants to receive compensation from the state for destroyed property, he needs to provide a document that proves ownership. If you have lost your title deed, you can get a duplicate that will have the same legal force. How to do it - the Ministry of Reintegration informed.

Method 1

If the ownership of real estate was registered before 2003, then for to obtain a duplicate of the title document, you need to contact the notary who issued this document, the notarial archive, an official of the local self-government body or TsNAP.

Method 2

If the ownership right to real estate was registered after 2003, then a person can get information about the ownership right from the State register of property rights to immovable property independently, through a notary or TsNAP.

Method 3

If the applicant has not registered the right of ownership of the real estate or there is no possibility to obtain duplicates of title documents, it is necessary to apply to the court to establish the right of ownership of the real estate.


How can internally displaced persons get temporary free housing?

Internally displaced persons can receive free temporary housing from the state. Housing is provided for one year, with the possibility of extending this term if the family continues to need appropriate support. Migrants only need to pay for utility services.

In order to get housing, you need to be registered by contacting the center for the provision of administrative services, the responsible body of local self-government or the military-civilian administration at the place of registration of IDPs.

Immigrants must submit an application for registration with the signatures of all adult family members, as well as provide all the necessary documents (you can find a full list in Cabinet Resolution No. 495 of April 29, 2022:

The priority of providing housing to displaced persons is determined by the number of points scored by an internally displaced person or family. Priority categories:

  1. families with three or more children;
  2. families with two children;
  3. families with one child;
  4. families that include pregnant women;
  5. families that include persons who have lost their ability to work;
  6. families that include persons of retirement age.

After the submission of the application and documents, a decision is made to register the displaced persons. Next, in the order of the queue according to the point system and if housing is available, the displaced persons are provided with a room and a warrant for moving in. After issuing the warrant, a contract for the use of housing is concluded, and it is the contract together with the warrant that is the basis for moving into the residential premises from the fund and using it on contractual terms.


Compensation for sheltering IDPs.

Provide housing for internally displaced persons and receive compensation.

Under the Shelter program, homeowners can provide housing for temporary use to internally displaced persons and receive compensation for this:

  • UAH 450 per month for accommodation of one IDP during the warm season;
  • 900 UAH - during the heating season.

According to the Ministry of Reintegration, an application for compensation for sheltering IDPs can be submitted remotely:

  • send a notification letter with copies of supporting documents to the email address designated by the responsible executive body of local self-government;
  • do it no later than the next business day after the IDP is provided with housing.

More information about the Shelter program can be found here:ย