The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What other forms of social support/welfare should I know about? (Buddy systems, etc.) Who is eligible? How does someone apply?

A full list of UK benefits can be found here mceclip0.png (official government website) and hereย mceclip0.png (Citizens Advice).

Free legal assistance of UA Support mceclip0.png for refugees from different countries.

Are there any social benefits I can claim such as child support?

You may be eligible for help with childcare costs if you are using "approved childcare". Approved childcare includes registered childminders, nannies, play-schemes and nurseries.

You may be eligible for up to ยฃ2000 a year of tax-free childcare. This scheme involves the Government contributing towards the costs of childcare, reducing the tax you would otherwise pay. To receive tax-free childcare, you will have to set up an online childcare account. For every ยฃ8 you pay into the account, the government will pay in ยฃ2 (up to the maximum ยฃ2000 a year) for you to use to pay your childcare provider. Anywhere in the UK:

  • Tax-free childcare may be used for approved childcare for children under 11 years old.
  • If your child has a disability, you may be eligible for tax free childcare up to ยฃ1,000 every 3 months (ยฃ4000 a year).
  • To check if you are eligible, follow this link mceclip0.png.
  • Note, you cannot get Tax-Free Childcare if you are already claiming Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit or Universal Credit (please refer to section of this document for further details), and you must be earning at least ยฃ152 per week. You are able to claim tax-free childcare at the same time as claiming 30 free hours of childcare, as long as you are eligible for both.
Are there any social benefits for pregnant and nursing women?

There are two types of maternity payment schemes in the UK.

Statutory maternity pay - this is paid by your employer.

If you do not qualify for statutory maternity pay, you may qualify for maternity allowance. To claim, visit your local Jobcentre Plus mceclip0.png.

You do not need to be a British citizen to qualify for either of the above maternity pay schemes, but you will need to meet the criteria applicable.

You may be entitled to a one off payment of ยฃ500 (or ยฃ500 per baby, if you have multiple births). To be eligible, you must be:

  • havingย  child(ren)
  • receiving one of the qualifying benefits.

If you are a refugee, you may be able to claim the maternity grant if you had your child(ren) before you arrived in the UK (you must claim before the date your child is six months old). To claim, follow these links:

If you live in Scotland, you may be entitled to 3 one-off payments at different stages in your child's life:

  • Pregnancy and Baby Payment: you are eligible if you are between 24 weeks pregnant and your baby being 6 months old. This payment can be used for anything you may need to help with pregnancy or the first few months of your child's life,
  • Early Learning Payment: this can be used to help with costs of early learning. To be eligible, your child must be between 2 years old and 3 years and 6 months old. This does not need to be used for childcare.
  • School Age Payment: this payment can be used to help with the costs of preparing for your child starting school. There are certain application periods you must apply within- for more information, follow this link mceclip0.png.

You may also be entitled to the Best Start Foods prepaid card which can be used to buy healthy food items such as fruit and milk. To be eligible, you must be pregnant or have a child under 3.

The Healthy Start Scheme (All UK except Scotland) provides food vouchers and vitamins to pregnant women and parents receiving certain qualifying benefits. To qualify, you must be at least 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under 4.

Women who are pregnant or within 12 months of giving birth are eligible for free NHS prescriptions and dental care. To apply, ask your doctor or midwife for a form FW8. Send the completed form to your local health authority. Please refer to the next section of this document for further details on Healthcare in the UK.

Are there specific social supports available to me if I am elderly?

If you have reached pension age (66 years) and have low income, you might be eligible for the Pension Credit.

Youโ€™ll be eligible if either:

  • you and your partner have both reached State Pension age (66 years)
  • one of you is getting Housing Benefit for people over State Pension age

A partner is either:

  • your husband, wife or civil partner - if you live with them
  • someone you live with as a couple, without being married or in a civil partnership

When you apply for Pension Credit your income is calculated. If you have a partner, your income is calculated together. Pension Credit tops up:

  • your weekly income to ยฃ182.60 if youโ€™re single
  • your joint weekly income to ยฃ278.70 if you have a partner

As well as help with daily living costs of up to ยฃ182.60 per week for single people and ยฃ278.70 for couples, Pension Credit also opens up access to other support, such as help with rent and council tax, heating bills, free NHS dental care and free TV licenses for the over-75s.

The easiest way for Ukrainian nationals to apply for Pension Credit is by phone and the department has made translation services available to help new arrivals with their applications. The Freephone number: 0800 99 1234, is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

You can find more information about the Pension Credit here mceclip0.png.

Are there specific social supports available to me if I have a disability?

There are a number of disability-related financial support systems in the UK, including benefits, tax reliefs and credits, grants, concessions and other payments. A full list of these benefits can be accessed here mceclip0.png.

As a result of emergency regulations recently put in place by the Department for Work and Pensions, Ukrainian refugees are able to access benefits - including disability-related benefits, such as Universal Credit, Child Disability Living Allowance and Carers Allowance - as soon as they are within the UK.

How to apply for disability-related benefits depends on the benefit you are seeking to claim. Guidance on how to claim some of the more common disability-related benefits is below:

The UK benefits system can be complex. If you are unsure which benefits you may be eligible for or are having difficulty applying for benefits, Citizens Advice mceclip0.png provides free advice through volunteers and guidance on benefits schemes in the UK.

If you know somebody in need of a wheelchair or mobility equipment, the Red Cross hires out equipment for short-term use. The service is free to Ukrainian refugees. Call 0300 456 1914, or visit mceclip0.png.

How can I meet and socialize with other Ukrainians in a similar position?

You can meet and start communicating with Ukrainians in United Kingdom in these resources:

How can Ukrainians apply for a Ukrainian pension abroad?

According to the Ministry of Reintegration, Ukrainians who were forced to go abroad due to the war can now send an application for the appointment or renewal of a pension by mail.

An application for the appointment (renewal) of a pension can be sent to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, regardless of the person's place of registration.

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