The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Where can I go to find emergency/short-term housing?

You can contact the UK Visas and Immigration on the free 24/7 helpline on +44 808 164 8810 or +44 (0)175 390 7510 if outside the UK.

Free advice for Ukrainian nationals is being provided by the Ukraine Advice Project UK. Ukrainians can email or

The following hosting networks arrange accommodation in people's homes and are working to house Ukrainians:

Local councils can also be contacted for more information on housing.

Can I access public housing or housing provided by the state? How and where do I apply for public housing?

Ukrainian nationals who have been issued with a visa under one of the two special Ukraine schemes are eligible for social housing and homelessness assistance in the UK. For more information, you should contact your local council .

If you have applied for a visa through the Homes for Ukraine scheme, you should be able to stay with your sponsor upon arrival in the UK. If for any reason you are unable to stay with your sponsor upon arrival in the UK, you should contact your local council .

For further information on housing benefits, you can also contact the organisations listed in the section "What government and non-governmental bodies could I contact for more information on housing?" below.

If you have refugee or humanitarian protection status, you are eligible for housing benefits in the UK, which should be arranged and provided by your local council. You can find and contact your local council here .

Ukrainians who are already in the UK may be able claim asylum and will be granted access to asylum support accommodation while their claim is being dealt with. However, advice should be sought before claiming asylum - see the section on "how do I apply for asylum" above.

If you are granted leave to remain in the UK via either of the schemes above, you will be eligible for local authority housing and homelessness assistance unless the leave is granted with a "no public funds" condition. An application for housing should be made by way of your local council. Once an application is accepted, you may be placed on a waiting list. Local councils have their own rules on who has priority for homes.

Check the council's website here to find out further details.

How do I find long term housing?

Information relating to how to prove your right to rent in England is available online . You do not need to prove your right to rent in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.

EU4UA is a platform for finding housing in Europe together with other Ukrainians

A new roommate search function has been launched on the EU4UA platform.

Renting housing with other people will allow:

  • save money by sharing housing costs with other people;
  • have a greater choice of housing;
  • to find friends, expand the network of social contacts and feel supported in a new country.

Go to the platform via the link .

If I am staying with friends and family in the long term, what documents do I need to fill out to make it official? How can I obtain proof of residency?

If you have obtained a special visa under the Ukraine Family Scheme, you will need to submit your biometrics within six months of arriving in the UK to extend your stay for up to three years. You will then be issued with a Biometric Residence Permit as evidence of your immigration status.

This application can be made online at the government website . Biometrics (facial photograph and your fingerprints) may either be provided using the UK Immigration: ID Check app or by visiting one of the application centres in the UK.

You can also view and prove your immigration status on the government website .