The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Where can I go to get emergency health care and how much it costs? Do I need certain documents?

For emergencies that need urgent medical attention, citizens can visit the on-duty hospitals. The on-call hours change daily, and information is available online including the type of doctors available in each hospital.

According to the current legislation, all public medical units are obliged to provide you medical first aid support in case of emergency, even if you do not have P.A.A.Y.P.A. or Social Security Number. You have the right to any medical services or medications you need, free of charge at hospital that are on duty daily.

If there is no way of physical transportation of the patient who needs immediate medical care, there is the emergency number of the National Emergency Center (EKAV) 166, which is free and can be called even without access to a mobile network. In case of emergency, an ambulance is provided to transport the patient to the nearest hospital on duty.

To contact 166, you should have the following information:

  • Your exact location (address, floor, apartment)
  • Patientโ€™s name and surname
  • If there is fever
  • Social Security Number โ€“ AMKA

There is also the emergency number 112 for all emergencies, accessible without a mobile network, providing 24hour interpretation in various languages.

Where can I go to fill my subscriptions or treat long-term conditions and how much it costs?

If you get a prescription for medication, it will be available in all pharmacies (that belong to the EOPYY (National Organization for Health Care Services), usually with small to zero cost.

I am pregnant, where can I get gynecology care?

You can go to a gynecologist.

According to the current legislation, all public medical units are obliged to provide you medical first aid support in case of emergency, even if you do not have P.A.A.Y.P.A. or Social Security Number. You have the right to any medical services or medications you need, free of charge at hospital that are on duty daily.

Can I benefit from public health care?

Upon your arrival in Greece, even before you are granted temporary protection status, you enjoy free access to the National Health System and you are entitled to medical and health care with the presentation of your passport or the document that you received upon your arrival in Greece.

Once temporary protection is granted, a personal Social Security Number (AMKA) is immediately activated. This grants you access to social welfare benefits and medical care, under the same rules that pertain to Greek citizens.

According to the current legislation, all public medical units are obliged to provide you medical first aid support in case of emergency, even if you do not have P.A.A.Y.P.A. or Social Security Number. You have the right to any medical services or medications you need, free of charge at hospital that are on duty daily.

Access to public healthcare is free and accessed by appointment. Healthcare is provided through public hospitals and medical centers (including mental health units) as well as municipal clinics and other structures, by the doctors, who can prescribe medication and carry out required therapeutic procedures and diagnostic tests.

Do I need to register in order to obtain health coverage and if yes how?

No, you do not have to register to obtain health coverage.

Once temporary protection is granted, a personal Social Security Number (AMKA) is immediately activated. This grants you access to social welfare benefits and medical care, under the same rules that pertain to Greek citizens.

Please note that health insurance is mandatory in all EU countries.

What does public healthcare cover?

Public healthcare covers:

  • Access to private doctors who are associated with the National Insurance System (EOPYY). There is an online list with the medical specialties in detail at the EOPY webpage .
  • 75% coverage of medical check-ups at private diagnostics centres.
  • Partial coverage at medical pair of eyeglasses.
  • Partial coverage at physiotherapy sessions, at occupational therapy sessions and speech therapy sessions.
Where can I go to get mental health support and how much it costs? Do I need certain documents?

Ukrainian refugees are entitled to access for free the services of public hospitals and medical centres, including mental health and physical rehabilitation facilities, even if they have not been provided yet with a social security number (AMKA). In this case, Ukrainian refugees are required to simply show their passport or, if they do not have it, a document issued by the police.

Mental care is also provided in the following forms:

Mental Health Helpline created by the Ministry of Health to offer mental health support and care to refugees from Ukraine. The service is provided by Ukrainian mental health professionals with special training. The telephone helpline is free of charge and it operates from Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dial 10306 and select 4.

Mental health services are also provided in some Migrant Integration Centres (KEM). The KEM staff usually identify possible health issues and they can refer you to specialised structures, including mental health facilities. Find out where is the KEM closest to you, how you can contact them and what mental health services they offer, here.