The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Where can I go to get emergency health care and how much it costs? Do I need certain documents?

If you or your family member needs urgent medical assistance on arrival in Latvia, please inform the State Border Guard officials on duty at the border crossing point or call 113. Medical assistance is state funded.

Every Ukrainian civilian who arrives in Latvia or is already here is eligible for the same free of charge state-covered healthcare and medical services, including medicines, as are available to Latvian residents.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has collected comprehensive information on how and where Ukrainians living abroad can receive free medical care: from consultations and examinations to inpatient treatment. See more here .

Helpline for medical services: +371 8000 1234.

Helpline for medical services +371 67045005 (Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.; Friday 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)

Website of the Ministry of Health:

Website of the National Health Service:

If you need medical advice from a general practitioner outside of working hours, call 66016001 (Monday-Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.; weekends: 24/7).

Can I talk to a doctor in Ukrainian/Russian?

Almost all doctors speak Latvian, but someone can speak Russian.

Where can I go to fill my subscriptions or treat long-term conditions and how much it costs?

In Latvia, a prescription for state-reimbursed medicines and medical devices can be issued by a general practitioner or a specialist (e.g. oncologist, allergist) who has signed a contract with the National Health Service. The medical practitioner is competent to make a decision on the necessity to prescribe state-reimbursable medicines, assessing the patient's health condition and the procedure for prescribing state-reimbursable medicines established in the Republic of Latvia (including medicines included in the List of Reimbursable Medicines, diagnoses, conditions for prescribing medicines). Medicinal products and medical devices included in the list of reimbursable medicinal products are reimbursed from the state budget at 100%, except for non-reference medicinal products.

If you are taking a medicine and need to continue taking it, or if you need a prescription due to a health complaint, you should initially contact your general practitioner. Your general practitioner will issue a prescription for state-reimbursed medicines or, if necessary, refer you to a specialist.

For more information on the procedure for obtaining state-reimbursable medicines, call the National Health Service information line 80001234.

If a prescription was received in Ukraine, the medicine can be purchased at the pharmacy for the full cost of the prescription, paid out of pocket, on presentation of the prescription.

I am pregnant, where can I get gynecology care?

Residents of Ukraine in Latvia are provided with state-paid medical services for pregnancy and childbirth. More information about available services can be found here .

You can receive a state-funded gynecological consultation from a doctor who has a contract with the National Health Service. No referral is required. For a consultation, you need to contact the medical institution and make an appointment or make an appointment in person. More information available here .

After assessing the patient's health, the gynecologist is entitled to prescribe state-reimbursable medicines (according to the national procedure), issue a referral for diagnostic or laboratory tests, surgical procedures, etc.

You can find out about gynecologists by calling the toll-free information line 80001234

Can I benefit from public health care?

Yes, every Ukrainian civilian who arrives in Latvia or is already here is eligible for the same free of charge state-covered healthcare and medical services, including medicines, as are available to Latvian residents. More information is available free of charge by phone, in English or Russian: +371 8000 1234 (opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to 17:00; Friday from 8:30 to 15:00). When calling from foreign numbers: +371 67045005

All public health services are available free of charge, consult 80001234 (English, Russian, Monday-Thursday 08: 30-17: 00, Friday 08: 30-15: 00).

Family doctor - consultations, prescriptions, referrals, examinations or tests, vaccinations - 80001234,

Do I need to register in order to obtain health coverage and if yes how?

Prior to receipt of service you need to present a biometric passport, visa or permanent residence permit. If no documents are held please call 80001234.

Please note that health insurance is mandatory in all EU countries.

What does public healthcare cover?

All the state funded healthcare services are available for free. These include GP services, "doctor on duty" (medical consultations beyond GP workung hours), physicians, urgent medcial help, dentistry, psychiatric help etc.

Where can I go to get mental health support and how much it costs? Do I need certain documents?

Free of charge mental health support for ukrainian children and their parents is available. Phone: +37129164747, If the doctor does not speak Russian or English, a Ukrainian interpreter will be provided.

Remote psychological support counselling for children, teenagers and parents (on issues related to children), in Latvian/Russian

State Agency for Social Integration - 24-hour service with accommodation, tel. 26110065. Located in Jลซrmala, Dubultu prospekts 71.

For families with children from 2 years old:

A social rehabilitation course to reduce post-traumatic stress for families with children for up to 30 days, with on-site accommodation including meals. The course includes specialist counselling, support of a social worker, various creative activities and medical supervision. In Russian/English, Ukrainian mentor is available. More information available here .

Mental health support for other ukrainian refugess is available as well, free of charge:

  • Crisis and Counselling Centre "Skalbes", phone +371 24551700 business days 9:00-17:00
  • Single Crisis Line 116123 - psychological and emotional support, crisis intervention
  • Clinical psychologist/psychotherapist counselling in Latvian/Russian/English
  • Support groups for people who have experienced the same traumatic event. The service should be booked in a coordinated way, when the group members are known and the desired number is 12-15. In Latvian/Russian/English.
  • Association "Centrs MARTA"; opening hours 10:00-18.00, phone +371 67378539: remote psychological counselling for adults in Latvian/Russian and support groups for victims.

The National Psychological Association of Ukraine, with the support of the UN, the EU launched a free support line. Anyone affected by the hostilities can call the line. All the psychologists have undergone special training, provide counseling according to international standards and adhere to ethical standards.

Call +371 80 005 945, which is available daily from 10:00 to 20:00. All calls are free of charge.

The hotline administrator will accept your request, determine a convenient format and time, and direct you to a free psychologist. You will be offered audio or video sessions lasting up to 50 minutes.

Psychological help of the all-Ukrainian program "How are you?" available by phone +371 80 005 945.