The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What other forms of social support/welfare should I know about? (Buddy systems, etc.) Who is eligible? How does someone apply?

As a Ukrainian refugee with a temporary protection status and an application for an annex 15 and subsequently an A card, you can claim a living allowance if you meet all the requirements. For more information, contact the OCMW of your municipality.

You can get financial support from the government. The amount of financial aid in Belgium depends on the composition of the family, the number of children and their age.

The amount of payments is:

  • โ‚ฌ1,100 per person living alone;
  • family members will receive โ‚ฌ750 each;
  • for each child, depending on their number, additionally from 100 to โ‚ฌ200.

However, the total monthly payment cannot exceed โ‚ฌ1,560 per family.

It is worth noting that in order to receive social assistance in Belgium, a number of conditions must be met:

  • it is forbidden to leave the country for more than 28 days a year;
  • you must notify your social inspector about every trip outside Belgium.

Failure to comply with the conditions may result in the loss of social support, and in some cases you may be required to return previously received money.

To apply, go to the nearest OCMW/CPAS mceclip0.png social security center with your passport and a certificate of protection (card A or certificate Annexe 15/ Bijlage 15).

Free legal assistance of UA Support mceclip0.png for refugees from different countries.

Are there any social benefits I can claim such as child support?

The Flemish, Walloon and Brussels governments provide a financial allowance for each child (the so-called 'Start amount', 'Maternity fee' or 'Birth premium').

This can be requested in:

Every child who lives in Flanders and has a right of residence (which includes the temporary protection status) is entitled to a child allowance (โ€˜groeipakketโ€™). To apply, register the minor with the municipality.

More information mceclip0.png (in English and Ukrainian)

Are there any social benefits for pregnant and nursing women?

Pregnant women are entitled to maternity leave. During this period, pregnant women are entitled to an allowance from the National Employment Office (RVA).

With some health insurance funds, you are entitled to a breastfeeding premium when breastfeeding. This is, for example, the case with the Liberal Mutuality (although each mutuality has specific benefits that they offer to their members.

On the Dutch side:

  • Kind & Gezin is the Flemish institution for young children and families. They offer advice and information sessions on pregnancy, adoption and childcare. All useful information can be found on their website mceclip0.png.
  • The Centres for General Welfare (CAW) offer free consultations on all life questions, including sexuality and pregnancy.

On the French-speaking side:

  • In French-speaking Belgium, the "Office de la Naissance et de l'Enfance" (ONE) organises prenatal consultations to provide medical-social guidance during pregnancy. You will find all useful information on the website mceclip0.png.
  • The French Community Commission (COCOF) website provides information on family planning centres.
  • The Fรฉdรฉration Laรฏque des Centres de Planning Familial (FLCPF) brings together 42 family planning centres, including 22 in Brussels.
How can I meet and socialize with other Ukrainians in a similar position?
Are there specific social supports available to me if I am elderly?

Ukrainian elderly refugees with a protection status are entitled to social support as long as they meet all the requirements.

For more information you can make an appointment with a social worker in one of offices mceclip0.png.

Are there specific social supports available to me if I have a disability?

Ukrainian refugees who have a disability with a protection status are entitled to social support as long as they meet all the requirements.

For more information you can make an appointment with a social worker in one of offices mceclip0.png.

How can I help others? What volunteering organisations could I join?
How can Ukrainians apply for a Ukrainian pension abroad?

According to the Ministry of Reintegration, Ukrainians who were forced to go abroad due to the war can now send an application for the appointment or renewal of a pension by mail.

An application for the appointment (renewal) of a pension can be sent to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, regardless of the person's place of registration.

Infographics mceclip0.png

Source mceclip0.png