The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Where can I go to find emergency/short-term housing?

If you need accommodation, you can contact the Prefettura or the Questura of the city where you are to be hosted in a reception facility. Other temporary accommodation solutions may be available such as staying in a family, or temporary hotels. Below are some information about the main Italian cities.

  • In Rome, call the Protezione Civile Lazio at 803555 (available 24/7) or +390699509292 from abroad. The service is available in Ukrainian as well;
  • In Milan, call the Municipality of Milan at +39 020202 or Lombardia region helpline 800894545, or visit the InfoPoint at Stazione Centrale;
  • In Naples, you can go to Residence Ospedale del Mare at the cross between via Luca Pacioli and viale delle Metamorfosi, from 9 am to 6 pm.

You can also find short-term housing on the following platforms:

Can I access public housing or housing provided by the state? How and where do I apply for public housing?

The main living solutions offered to displaced people coming from Ukraine are:

  • public reception points called โ€œCASโ€ (Centri di Accoglienza Straordinaria) and โ€œSAIโ€ (Sistema Accoglienza e Integrazione) for people in need of a home and basic necessities;
  • private housing

Each of the Municipalities arranges access housing services, for example:

  • The Municipality of Milan is connected with the Ukrainian Consulate. A displaced person arriving in Milan shall communicate her / his arrival at this link.
  • The Municipality of Rome connected displaced people with hotels, SAI, private housing. Green phone number: 800 93 88 73 and email address:

You can also reach out to these associations:

How do I find long term housing?

You can look for long-term accommodation using these platforms:

Please be careful and avoid suspicious offers, when using these websites.

EU4UA is a platform for finding housing in Europe together with other Ukrainians

A new roommate search function has been launched on the EU4UA platform.

Renting housing with other people will allow:

  • save money by sharing housing costs with other people;
  • have a greater choice of housing;
  • to find friends, expand the network of social contacts and feel supported in a new country.

Go to the platform via the link mceclip0.png.

If I am staying with friends and family in the long term, what documents do I need to fill out to make it official? How can I obtain proof of residency?

If you are staying at your family or friendsโ€™ place, they must inform the police. To do this, the person who is hosting you has to go to the Questura or police station within 48 hours from your arrival, and issue a declaration of hospitality (โ€™dichiarazione di ospitalitร โ€™ in Italian).ย 

If you have applied for a permit of stay, you can register your residence with the Municipality ('Comune' in Italian). This procedure is called 'iscrizione anagrafica'. To do it, you have to go to the Anagrafe office of the Comune where you live with the following documents:

  • Permesso di soggiorno;
  • Passport or travel document;
  • In the (absolute) absence of a passport, your permit of stay may also be considered as a valid equivalent document;
  • Codice fiscale - Certificates that prove the family relationship, depending on your case - translated and legalized;
  • Declaration of residence form;
  • Dichiarazione di ospitalita' or rental contract.