The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What other forms of social support/welfare should I know about? (Buddy systems, etc.) Who is eligible? How does someone apply?

If you are between 18 and 55, you have the right and obligation to follow an introduction program, including training in Norwegian and social studies. If you are over the age of 55, you may still have the right to participate in an introduction program. The municipality in which you reside may answer questions about this.

Displaced people from Ukraine may be entitled to child benefits in the form of a fixed monthly disbursement if the whole family lives in Norway and is planning to stay in Norway for at least 12 months. This applies to all foreign nationals who are resident in Norway, who are registered in the population register and who have a residence permit or legal residence on other grounds.

The amount of the monthly allowance will depend on how many children you have, if youโ€™re a single mother/father, the type of assistance needed and how old is the child.

Free legal assistance of UA Support mceclip0.png for refugees from different countries.

Are there any social benefits I can claim such as child support?

Displaced people from Ukraine may be entitled to child benefits in the form of a fixed monthly disbursement if the whole family lives in Norway and is planning to stay in Norway for at least 12 months. This applies to all foreign nationals who are resident in Norway, who are registered in the population register and who have a residence permit or legal residence on other grounds.

The amount of the monthly allowance will depend on how many children you have, if youโ€™re a single mother/father, the type of assistance needed and how old is the child.

Are there any social benefits for pregnant and nursing women?

There are no benefits for pregnant and nursing women unless they are a member of the National Insurance Scheme. Membership is compulsory and will automatically be issued to people that have resided or will reside legally in Norway for more than 12 months. This is primarily the case if you intend to work in Norway or if you applied for a residence permit. There are different benefits depending on whether you have a residence or work permit in Norway.

There are currently no benefits for pregnant and nursing women that are asylum seekers.

How can I meet and socialize with other Ukrainians in a similar position?
Are there specific social supports available to me if I am elderly?

There are no special social benefits for elderly refugees from Ukraine. But you can ask the Red Cross mceclip0.png for help.

Are there specific social supports available to me if I have a disability?

Displaced people from Ukraine with a disability will be able to apply for benefits in Norway. Your medical condition must meet certain criteria pursuant to the National Insurance Act. Also you must be regarded as an asylum seeker and have received your residence permit. Please see here for more information about disability benefits for people who were granted collective or asylum protection. You will receive the benefit for 12 months. You must attend a follow-up meeting at your local NAV office twice during the benefit period.

The benefit is means-tested and your total income from Norway and abroad is taken into account. The income of any spouse, cohabitant or registered partner will also be taken into account. You must meet in person at your NAV office to apply. The same applies if you want to apply to renew your supplementary benefit period.

You need to bring your passport or another travel document when you meet at your NAV office. This is necessary for identification purposes and for NAV to be able to control your stays abroad.

How can I help others? What volunteering organisations could I join?
How can Ukrainians apply for a Ukrainian pension abroad?

According to the Ministry of Reintegration, Ukrainians who were forced to go abroad due to the war can now send an application for the appointment or renewal of a pension by mail.

An application for the appointment (renewal) of a pension can be sent to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, regardless of the person's place of registration.

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