The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What documents do I need to work in this country?

When you are granted temporary protection, you will be allowed to work. You have the right to work in Denmark when you have had your fingerprints and facial image (biometric features) recorded at the Immigration Serviceโ€™ Citizen Service. No further applications necessary. In the application process you will not be able to work.

Where can I search for a job?

Ukrainians who have submitted an application for a residence permit in accordance with the Special Act, and who have had fingerprints and personal photographs taken, have the opportunity to work before they are granted the residence permit. However, the faster access to the labor market does not apply if it is obvious that you are not covered by the Special Act. If you are offered a job while the case is being processed, you must send the Danish Immigration Service a copy of your employment contract, as it may have an impact on where in Denmark you will live if you receive a residence permit.

There is a great deal of attention paid to ensuring Ukrainians' access to the labor market in Denmark and therefore the government, the social partners, KL and the Danish Regions have joined forces and formed a partnership for Ukrainians in jobs. Among other things, the partnership will focus on: Rapid competence clarification, job banking, opportunities for Danish language education, focus on upskilling and opportunities for IGU courses, etc. The booklets Your path to a job in Denmark can be a good place to start if you are new to Denmark and would like to know more about how to enter the Danish labor market.

Also you can look for jobs on a Danish privately run job site. Below is a list of online job sites that compile all current job openings in Denmark.


Danish job market for highly educated here

STEM Jobs for Ukrainians

Many job sites in Denmark can be found here .

Are there any services available to help me find a job?

You can contact the citizen service, The Immigration Office and the โ€œNew in Denmarkโ€ website here .

Ministry of Employment (Beskรฆftigelsesministeriet) is responsible for employment issues and launched the website "Job Guide for Ukrainian refugees", which is available in Ukrainian and English.

Also you can look for jobs on a Danish privately run job site. Below is a list of online job sites that compile all current job openings in Denmark.

Many job sites in Denmark can be found here .

Are there any diploma and professional equivalence programs? How and where do I apply?

Yes. There is a program called IGU (integration-education) which gives displaced people skills to operate in the Danish labor market. The program combines practical experience with school. You can apply at the citizen service here .

No special equivalence programmes have been announced yet. There are professions where there are special requirements. A full list of requirements for each profession is available here .