The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Can I enter the country without a visa?

Non-ukrainian refugees who do not have a biometric passport need a visa to enter the Netherlands.

You can apply for a visa in any EU country. For more information contact the foreign ministryโ€™s call center, available 24 hours a day, at +31 247 247 247. It is also possible to use WhatsApp via +31 620 826 032.

The costs for a short stay visa application are:

  • First visa application: EUR 80;
  • First visa application for children from 6 to 12 years: EUR 40;
  • First visa for children up to 6 years: free of charge;
  • Extending short stay visa: EUR 30;
  • Extending short stay visa due to humanitarian reasons: free of charge.

The statutory period for deciding on a short stay visa is usually a maximum of 15 days.

Can I get refugee status in the country?

Yes, but a person of another nationality must have a residence permit in Ukraine, which was still valid on 23 February 2022.

To apply for Temporary Protection, a Non-Ukrainian refugee needs to register in the Personal Records Database (in Dutch: Basisregistratie Personen) at the local town hall (in Dutch: gemeente). How to register depends on the local council. Documents that are needed to register include a Ukrainian residence permit that was valid on 23 February 2022.

How long can I stay in the country?

Visas are valid for 90 days. It is possible to extend the short-stay visa of a visa-exempt term if you want to stay longer. A stay can be extended for a maximum of 90 days, up to a total of 180 days. This is also possible if your visa or visa-exempt term has already expired. Additionally, based on the Temporary Protection Directive, Non-Ukrainian refugees will be granted temporary protection until 4 March 2025.

Do you have a legal question that you canโ€™t find an answer for in our FAQs?

Please write to us so we can provide you with legal support. Our pro-bono legal partners will try to respond to your legal request to the best of their ability and knowledge. Please note that due to a high volume of requests, you will receive an answer in a few days after submitting the request at the earliest. Thank you for your patience.