The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What other forms of social support/welfare should I know about? (Buddy systems, etc.) Who is eligible? How does someone apply?

All municipalities have public community centres (โ€˜buurthuizenโ€™ or โ€˜wijkcentraโ€™) that provide social support and assistance.

Refugees from Ukraine (including refugees without the Ukrainian nationality) can claim โ‚ฌ 260 living allowance, per person per month. Registration in the BRP (Basisregistratie Personen) is not a requirement for receiving a living allowance.

Refugees who live with a host family receive an extra allowance in addition to their living allowance. Adults receive โ‚ฌ 215 per month, children โ‚ฌ 55. This money can be used for things like public transport, family visits or sports. Refugees can also use the money to contribute to the costs of the host family, but this is not obligatory. When a host family accommodates more than one refugee, they are each entitled to their own living allowance. There is no maximum amount per host family.

The government has decided to grant living allowances for a period of 3 months, with an extension to six months. In the meantime, it is being considered how the payment of living allowances can be organized in the future, for refugees who do not have work.

In the Netherlands parents receive a subsidy for raising their children, until they are 18 years old. Currently refugees from Ukraine who do not work in the Netherlands cannot receive these benefits. However, if you do have a job in the Netherlands, you might qualify for it. Contact the Sociale Verzekeringsbank mceclip0.png (SVB, the Dutch organisation that implements social insurance schemes) for more information.

When a refugee has income from work, the living allowance stops, regardless of the amount of income. Family members who are not working will still receive a living allowance. If you start working, you must report this to the municipality. If you at some point lose your job, you can apply for the living allowance again. Please contact the municipality regarding this. Check the website mceclip0.png of the central government for the latest information.

Help with things/marketplace mceclip0.png.

This cash assistance mceclip0.png is intended to pay for food, clothing and other personal items. The amount of assistance consists of three parts. How much you will receive depends on the type of housing where you live and your age:

  • The amount for clothing and personal expenses is 56.12 euros per month.
  • If your family consists of 1 or 2 people, you will receive 215.06 euros per adult and 178.36 euros per minor per month for food.
  • If your family consists of 3 people, you will receive โ‚ฌ171.99 per adult and โ‚ฌ142.57 per minor per month.
  • If your family consists of four or more people, you will receive โ‚ฌ150.45 per adult and โ‚ฌ124.97 per minor per month.
  • You will not receive money for food while you are in a municipal shelter that provides food.
  • For persons living in host families, the additional living allowance is reduced. This amount is 93 euros per month for both adults and minors.

Free legal assistance of UA Support mceclip0.png for refugees from different countries.

Are there any social benefits I can claim such as child support?

At the moment there are no social benefits available to refugees for child support. In every refugee reception center, there is at least one employee appointed as 'contact person for children'. This person has a coordinating role in organizing kids activities and providing information regarding children.

Social benefits such as a childcare allowance and/or the child-related budget (an allowance from the government for the expenses of families earning an income up to a certain level) are only available for holders of a valid residence permit.

In the Netherlands parents receive a subsidy for raising their children, until they are 18 years old. Currently refugees from Ukraine who do not work in the Netherlands cannot receive these benefits. However, if you do have a job in the Netherlands, you might qualify for it. Contact the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB, the Dutch organisation that implements social insurance schemes) for more information.

Help with groups for children from special funds in the Netherlands:

  • Ask your municipality (gemeente).
  • The Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur ("Youth Fund for Sport and Culture") pays a contribution to a sports club, swimming lessons or tuition fees, such as dance, music or theater lessons, if parents or guardians do not have enough money. The application is made through an intermediary, for example someone who works as a teacher, works in GGD, COA or Refugee Work.
  • The Leergeld ("Tuition fee") fund also helps children from low-income families to have access to a well-rounded education. Often they can help buy school supplies such as a backpack, journal, cover or sports clothes or a used bike to go to school. Also, local Leergeld branches work closely with initiatives, so the fund can help with sports (and also buy, for example, football uniforms), music or dance lessons for your child, drawing or acting courses, etc.
  • The platform dealing with the development of culture and sports in the Netherlands (Cultuur- & Sportsstimulering Nederland) has launched the Connect Ukraine platform especially for Ukrainians in the Netherlands, where you can find sports and cultural events (mostly for children) in one of more than 100 municipalities that have already joined the initiative.
Are there any social benefits for pregnant and nursing women?

At the moment there are no benefits available for pregnant and nursing women.

How can I meet and socialize with other Ukrainians in a similar position?

In this Facebook group mceclip0.png, refugees from Ukraine help each other with questions about finding work, housing, education and other relevant information.

Telegram channels for meeting and speaking:

Are there specific social supports available to me if I am elderly?

Do you have health care needs that require a longer-term stay in an institution (for example people with physical disabilities)? And can this type of care not be paid for by your municipality or through a subsidy program? In that case, you can apply for the Regeling Medische zorg Asielzoekers (Regulation Medical Care for Asylum Seekers, RMA).

Swedoro mceclip0.png (Stichting Welzijn Doven Rotterdam) accommodates deaf refugees for a short period of time. They can relax there for a while and tell their story. Afterwards they go to another location for a longer period of time.

For more information about the support of deaf refugees from Ukraine, please write to

Are there specific social supports available to me if I have a disability?

Support for the disabled is provided via the Law Social Support (WMO). Refugees can also apply for this via the WMO-counter of the municipality that they are staying in. Generally, the process looks like this:

Report - Report your request for help and support to the WMO counter of your municipality. At most municipalities you can fill out an online form for the WMO application.

  1. Interview & Research - The municipality will schedule an interview and conduct a research on your situation.
  2. Recommendation - The municipality will provide a recommendation, detailing the help required.
  3. Agreement - You can agree to the decision, after which further steps will be planned.
  4. Other option for support include the general practitioner or MEE organisation.

Those who need disability support also have the right to independent client support. For this, one can turn to MEE: MEE is committed to people with disabilities and their network. In all areas of life and in all phases of life, so that they can participate in society to the best of their ability.

You can contact your local MEE organisation mceclip0.png for more information.

Swedoro mceclip0.png (Stichting Welzijn Doven Rotterdam) accommodates deaf refugees for a short period of time. They can relax there for a while and tell their story. Afterwards they go to another location for a longer period of time.

For more information about the support of deaf refugees from Ukraine, please write to

How can I help others? What volunteering organisations could I join?

Everyone, except undocumented migrants, is free to provide services on a voluntary basis. Refugees from Ukraine have a special residence status and are therefore allowed to volunteer.

You can find volunteer work on this mceclip0.png and this website mceclip0.png.

How can Ukrainians apply for a Ukrainian pension abroad?

According to the Ministry of Reintegration, Ukrainians who were forced to go abroad due to the war can now send an application for the appointment or renewal of a pension by mail.

An application for the appointment (renewal) of a pension can be sent to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, regardless of the person's place of registration.

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