The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Where can I go to get emergency health care and how much it costs? Do I need certain documents?

The provision of medical care to displaced people from Ukraine is fully reimbursed through the Subsidy Scheme for Medically Necessary Care for Uninsured Persons. Refugees who are uninsured receive care that is included in the Dutch basic health insurance package. You can find out exactly what care is covered by the basic health insurance package on the website of the central government.

To receive emergency medical care, it is enough to have a passport or other identification document.

Can I talk to a doctor in Ukrainian/Russian?

Almost all doctors speak Dutch and English. Ukrainian-speaking and Russian-speaking doctors are not known.

Where can I go to fill my subscriptions or treat long-term conditions and how much it costs?

In the Netherlands you can go to the pharmacy for different purposes. For example for picking up medication that the general practitioner has prescribed. You can also go to the pharmacy for questions about a medicine. In addition, the pharmacist can give advice about mild health issues. Do you need medication? The following websites can help you:

I am pregnant, where can I get gynecology care?

The care of an expecting mother and her child is mainly provided by an obstetrician (midwife). Obstetric care is the care before, during and after the birth. In the Netherlands, there are many independent obstetricians with whom you can make an appointment. This care is reimbursed from the basic health insurance package. If there is a medical reason, the midwife will refer the expectant mother to a gynaecologist in the hospital.

Would you like to learn about Dutch birth care? And meet other pregnant Ukrainians? Starting in July, CenteringZorg organizes free online support for pregnant women who fled Ukraine. The support takes place in groups and in your own language. Want to sign up? Go to the website of CenteringZorg .

Can I benefit from public health care?

The provision of medical care to displaced people from Ukraine is fully reimbursed through the Subsidy Scheme for Medically Necessary Care for Uninsured Persons. Refugees who are uninsured receive care that is included in the Dutch basic health insurance package. You can find out exactly what care is covered by the basic health insurance package on the website of the central government.

The RMO is a regulation that makes it possible to claim care provided to refugees from Ukraine. The RMO applies from 1 July onwards to working and non-working refugees from Ukraine who are registered in the BRP and therefore have a BSN. This means that refugees from Ukraine no longer need to take out their own health insurance and are automatically covered by the RMO. For the RMO you do not pay a health care premium and you do not receive a health care benefit.

Do I need to register in order to obtain health coverage and if yes how?

You need to register at the municipality. It is unclear whether further registration is required for health coverage.

Please note that health insurance is mandatory in all EU countries.

What does public healthcare cover?

The Dutch basic health insurance package cover the following: all consults with a general practitioner (who takes care of regular medical care) and his referrals to medical specialists or for blood testing, transport (where partial statutory personal contribution may apply) and stay in hospitals, surgery and emergency treatments, most medicines, pregnancy/childbirth/obstetric care, handicap care, elderly care and care aids. It also covers some mental health care, physiotherapy and dietary advice. Dental care is primarily covered for children and sometimes for adults.

Where can I go to get mental health support and how much it costs? Do I need certain documents?

The Dutch basic health insurance package covers the following mental health care:

Basic care for people with mild to moderate mental disorders; for instance, discussions with a psychologist or an internet treatment (e-health).

Specialist mental health care, i.e. care for people with serious, complex mental disorders.

First 3 years of stay in a mental healthcare institution. To access mental health support you must meet the following requirements:

There is an established diagnosis (disorder). Psychological complaints alone are not sufficient to make use of insured care. Referral must be made via a General Practitioner, company doctor, youth physician, medical specialist or doctor for the mentally handicapped. The referral letter must clearly state who has been referred and why. It must be clearly stated what type of psychological care is required (basic or specialist).

There are also a number of organisations providing (free) mental support and helping you with processing traumatic events (see below). For more information on mental health services, you can contact the following bodies:

Governmental bodies: Dutch Mental Healthcare Association

Non-governemental bodies:

MIND Korrelatie offers free and anonymous help from professional counselors. The organisation is available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:00 on 0900-1450. You can also chat, app or email with a counsellor. For all opening hours and contact details, please visit the website .

Slachtofferhulp Nederland (Victim Support The Netherlands) provides emotional support for people indirectly affected by the war in Ukraine. For example if you have family, friends of acquaintances in Ukraine and you need emotional support because of the current situation, visit the website or call 0900-0101.

Wereld Psychologen ("World Psychologists") offers refugees and social workers free mental health care. Through a video call, you can get in touch with someone from the organisation and can get help from anywhere.

Psychological help of the all-Ukrainian program "How are you?" available by phone +31 800 230 0405.