The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What other forms of social support/welfare should I know about? (Buddy systems, etc.) Who is eligible? How does someone apply?

The welfare system in Spain provides healthcare: primary or hospitalisation, and benefits covering amongst others:

  • Temporary incapacity;
  • Maternity;
  • Death and survival;
  • Invalidity;
  • Retirement;
  • Unemployment.

Areas of help and guidance available via your local social workers include:

  • Emergency food / provisions/local meal centres;
  • Teleassistance / personal alarms โ€“ care monitoring service;
  • Social housing;
  • Limited home help or access to residential care in cases of real need where personal means are very limited and dependency legislation minimum requirements cannot be met;
  • Advice on registering as disabled and any occasional subsidies that may be available;
  • Advice on the larger-family benefit card (if you have three or more children, or two children in certain circumstances).

To get more information visit one of the centers CREADE mceclip0.png or call the hotline for Ukrainians in Spain +34 91 399 00 09.

Contacts of the Spanish Commission for Assistance to Refugees +91 555 06 98 / 91 555 29 08

Help with food, clothing, decoration, housing can be obtained from charitable organizations:

Free legal assistance of UA Support mceclip0.png for refugees from different countries.

Are there any social benefits I can claim such as child support?

Displaced people will be entitled to the same benefits as Spanish citizens.

In Madrid, for example, refugees will have access to school lunch assistance programs, access to books and school supplies, support and educational reinforcement programs, as well as the support of the Educational Guidance Network of the Community of Madrid.

To learn more please call the hotline number for Ukrainians +34 91 399 00 09.

Also in Spain, a camp was organized for Ukrainian children mceclip0.png affected by the war.

The organizers of the camp accept children with moral disorders for psychological rehabilitation. The location where Gen.Camp is located is a quiet resort in the east of Spain. First of all, psychological help is provided to children who have lost one or both parents, were in occupation or witnessed war crimes with their own eyes.

During 30 days of rehabilitation, children receive various types of therapy:

  • cognitive-behavioral
  • art
  • communication with animals
  • individual program with the Tomatis device

Both individual and group classes are practiced. The condition of each child is monitored by individual psychologists.

You can apply for participation in the program from Gen.Camp by following the link mceclip0.png.

Are there any social benefits for pregnant and nursing women?

No specific plans have been implemented for the time being in relation to assistance to pregnant women.

To learn more please call the hotline number for Ukrainians +34 91 399 00 09 and visit the official website mceclip0.png.

How can I meet and socialize with other Ukrainians in a similar position?
Are there specific social supports available to me if I am elderly?

The Spanish Social Security System for retired people is covered by public insurance and includes benefits for health care (sickness and maternity), injuries at work, unemployment, pensions and disability benefits.

To get more information visit one of the centers CREADE mceclip0.png or call the hotline for Ukrainians in Spain +34 91 399 00 09.

You can also contact the Red Cross mceclip0.png for help.

Are there specific social supports available to me if I have a disability?

Disability registration in Spain differs from the Ukrainian system. There are no disability groups here, but the percentage of disability is determined.

Disability can be established according to the following groups:

  • physical disabilities, which in turn are divided into functional and organic;
  • mental disabilities;
  • sensory disability;
  • multiple disability, when signs of disability from more than one group are present.

In order to receive a disability, a Ukrainian must apply to one of Spain's disability assessment centers and have:

  • NIE (something like our TIN) - a copy
  • Medical card issued in Spain (can be issued at any clinic)
  • An extract from the Ukrainian hospital, which certifies your illness, translated into Spanish
  • Medical findings from a Spanish hospital.

You will then be given an invitation to a medical examination, where you will have to go through several doctors who will confirm your disability and also find out if you need any additional means.

After that, after some time, you will be sent a card in the mail, which will indicate the percentage of incapacity for work, whether it is permanent or if it will need to be extended. Also in this letter, you will find a certificate confirming disability (it is needed to apply for benefits), as well as a card for free car parking.

The amount of disability benefits in Spain reaches 11,825 euros or 15,383 euros per year if there are dependents. Source mceclip0.png.

As a general rule, disability benefits are handled by the Social Security Office mceclip0.png.

For further information the following contact is available: Phone: +34 901 166 565.

Spain and Ukraine signed a Social Security treaty in 1998 that may be applicable to the Ukraine citizens in Spain and certain Social Security benefits may be recognized totaling the contributions in one country to the other (sick leave due to common illnesses and maternity / paternity, long term disability, disability due to work accidents or professional disabilities, etc.)

To get more information visit one of the centers CREADE mceclip0.png or call the hotline for Ukrainians in Spain +34 91 399 00 09.

You can also contact the Red Cross mceclip0.png for help.

How can I help others? What volunteering organisations could I join?
How can Ukrainians apply for a Ukrainian pension abroad?

According to the Ministry of Reintegration, Ukrainians who were forced to go abroad due to the war can now send an application for the appointment or renewal of a pension by mail.

An application for the appointment (renewal) of a pension can be sent to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, regardless of the person's place of registration.

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