The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What childcare options are available for children who are not yet school-aged?

ย ะกhildren in subsidiary protection status, as well as temporary protection status holders, have the right to go to kindergarten (from the age of 3), like all Hungarian children.

Kindergarten covers children between 3 โ€“ 6 years.

  • On this link mceclip0.png you can find which kindergarten is assigned to you based on your address.
  • However, there is a free choice of kindergartens for parents, so you have the right to contact any kindergarten you wish, but they might not be able to accept your child.
  • It is advised to directly reach out to the kindergarten of your choice but you can seek further information and support from the local municipality or the local Family Support and Child Welfare Services.
  • In case you don`t speak Hungarian, please make sure to have someone accompany you and support you with translation.

Local municipalities provide nursery care. So, if you have temporary protection, please contact the local municipalities.

  • Suhanj Foundation mceclip0.png provides free daycare services for children of refugee families. They accept children with disabilities as well.
  • The Sugรกr Playhouse mceclip0.png provides free entry to children and their parents who fled Ukraine.

Find more information at Help Ukraine mceclip0.png.

How do I enroll my child(ren) into school?

ย ะกhildren in subsidiary protection status, as well as temporary protection status holders, have the right to go to school, like all Hungarian children.

Primary schools are obliged to offer access to their institutions for all children within their educational districts, unless they do not have the capacity to do so. In these cases, the child should have access to a neighboring school.

Primary and secondary education is free of charge in Hungary in public institutions (mainly state or church-run). You have the right to choose private institutions as well, but please note that those are fee-paying.

On this link mceclip0.png you can find which school is assigned to you based on your address. In some cases there are more than one school in your educational district, then from those you can choose the school you prefer.

Schools may be requesting certain documents for enrollment,ย which may include the following:

  • Filled-in application document
  • Birth certificate of your child
  • Document indicating the ID of your child (e.g. passport, ID card)
  • Health insurance number of the child (Temporary protection card number may be sufficient)
  • Document indicating your ID (e.g. passport, ID card)
  • Temporary Protection card or other residency card

If you do not have these documents, please do not be discouraged and explain your situation to the school management.

Also, please check this online hub mceclip0.png for children in 7-11 grades for home studies and additional resources. It does not replace the official school curriculum.

How can I enroll my child in a Ukrainian school in first grade if we are abroad?

Documents for admission to the school can be submitted online on the website "Electronic registration in institutions of general secondary education" at the link mceclip0.png. To do this, you need to register on the site, choose an institution of general secondary education, create an application and confirm it with documents in the institution

Electronic registration is not available in Kyiv, but it is possible to submit an application online to the school's e-mail address (at the applicant's choice). Enrollment will be carried out on the basis of the application of one of the parents, submitted in person or scanned copies or photocopies. Documents must confirm the place of residence of the child, one of his parents (or people who replace them) in the territory of the institution. If parents do not have the opportunity to obtain a medical certificate for their child by May 31, this is not a reason to refuse enrollment. Original documents and medical certificates must be submitted to the educational institution no later than August 18, 2023 inclusive. More details at the link mceclip0.png.

What happens if my kid gets sick?
  • In case of emergencies, contact the Ambulance of Heim Pal's Children Hospital, they're ready to help. Find their address in Google Maps mceclip0.png.
  • A free Emergency Hotline has been established to provide care for children coming from Ukraine as soon as possible. The hotline is available 24/7 and provides support in all areas related to childcare (medical care, hospital admission, consulting, COVID-19, mandatory vaccinations etc.) Hotline: +36 80-200-223
  • Ukrainian-Hungarian dual citizens can contact the nearest pediatrician (gyermekorvos). Call at +36 1 476 1100
  • Dedicated specialists help children cope with the stress of leaving their home, loss or grief at Heim Pรกl National Childcare Institute's Psychology Crisis Ambulance Children's Psychology Crisis Ambulance: +36 30 44 34 751

โ–ธ General number for emergency services: 112

โ–ธ Ambulance number: 104

More information at Help Ukraine mceclip0.png.

Can I continue my university studies at another university? What documents do I need?

Many Hungarian universities welcome those fleeing from Ukraine, offering university courses, scholarships, accommodation, and mental health care. You can get more information from the following website (some of the web pages are in Hungarian). You can also look what are the documents the universities require in their website MOME mceclip0.png.

You can use the list of universities that help Ukrainian students and scientists on the English-language educational search platform Erudera mceclip0.png. The platform contains 70 offers from universities around the world, including the USA, Australia and Canada. In addition to the country and the name of the university, the table indicates the type of aid and a link mceclip0.png to the university's website.

Science For Ukraine mceclip0.png is a public group of volunteer researchers and students from academic institutions in Europe and around the world who help Ukrainians. You can apply for help through the website, and you can view the entire list of institutions that agree to cooperate with Ukrainian scientists by following the link mceclip0.png.

Useful Telegram channel "Nonformal O" mceclip0.png - scholarships, grants, courses, volunteer projects in all countries for Ukrainians.

Useful Telegram channel "Opportunities" mceclip0.png, where the latest volunteer, educational, career projects in Ukraine and various countries are published. Link to backup channel mceclip0.png.

What languages do I need to speak to be able to study?

There are hundreds of study programs in English available for international students.

Find more information here mceclip0.png.

Where can I pass my related language exams (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS)?

Please find TOEFL test centers here mceclip0.png, and IELTS test centers here mceclip0.png.

ELTE Pop-up School mceclip0.png offers language classes (English, German, Hungarian) for refugee children every Friday at 10 a.m.