The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What documents do I need to work in this country?

If you have been granted temporary protection, you are allowed to work. You don't need to apply for another work permit (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs or Czech Labour Office). A useful summary can also be found here - for example of the next steps you or your employer need to take once you have accepted a job offer.

Foreigners not covered by temporary protection (Lex Ukraine) cannot work without a work permit issued by the local labor office. It is possible to apply for a work permit on the basis of a vacant position announced by a Czech employer (no labor market test is performed) and on the basis of a concluded employment contract.

Where can I search for a job?

There are some platforms specifically for people from Ukraine looking for work in Czech Republic:

You can also check international websites specifically created for Ukrainians, whether there are any offers for Czech Republic or remote:

Czech private labor exchanges:

Information for foreigners looking for a job is available here and here.

The most relevant field of work in the Czech Republic for Ukrainians is a worker in the production of spare parts, because many factories work in the Czech Republic: from the assembly of fans and air conditioners to cars.

The salary level in the Czech Republic depends on the region and field of activity. The average remuneration ranges from 18,000 to 35,000 kroner per month:

  • truck drivers - 24,000-35,000 kroner per month;
  • cooks - 19-28 thousand kroner per month;
  • design engineers - 47-95 thousand kroner per month;
  • installers of heating and air conditioning systems - 28-47 thousand kroner per month.
Are there any services available to help me find a job?

The services offered by public employment agencies (from Ministry of Labour) are free of charge. These offices can be found in all districts of the Czech Republic, provide a great list of available jobs in the entire country and they also help you with your job application.

You can also use private employment agencies approved by the Ministry of Labour, list can be found here.

Accountants, auditors or taxpayers interested in cooperation are encouraged to leave their ad on this site or write to

Ukrainian-speaking teachers who have just arrived in the Czech Republic are asked to fill out a form on the websiteย - this is required by the Association of Our Teachers and Czech Schools / Kindergartens, which are attended by Ukrainian children now, in order to arrange for them studying at home in native language and according to the usual program (textbooks are promised to be provided by Western Ukraine).

If you want to work in agriculture, please contact here.

Assistance program for Ukrainians starting their own business in the Czech Republic.

Free consultations for Ukrainians in the Czech Republic on employment issues.

For Ukrainians in the Czech Republic, a legal guide on employment has been created. The authors of the manual are the Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions. The translation was made with the financial support of IOM and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway.

Here you will find information about:

  • employment contract;
  • release;
  • working hours;
  • vacation;
  • industrial injuries;
  • protection of your interests.

You can download the manual at the following link.

Are there any diploma and professional equivalence programs? How and where do I apply?

There is standard procedure in relation to recognition of foreign education or qualification. In certain situations, it is possible to replace the required documents by an affidavit of the applicant. More information available here (Czech only, use Google translate).