The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What documents do I need to work in this country?

Citizens of Ukraine and their Turkish employers must apply for a work permit to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. An applicant may apply for a work permit after six months following the lodging date of an international protection claim. The applicants that would be determined to be in need may be provided with an allowance.

The procedure regarding work permit applications varies depending on the application being made within or outside of Turkey. The procedure will require the submission of documents from both the employee as well as the employer. The documents to be submitted by the work permit applicant include their employment contract, biometric passport photo, passport and diploma.

Where can I search for a job?

You can use the normal Turkish job portals such as Careerjet and Yenibiris or Kariyer, however, these sites are in Turkish.

Are there any services available to help me find a job?

Foreign nationals may contact with YIMER (Foreigners Communication Center, dial 157 for contacting), which is a governmental organization affiliated with the Immigration Authority and obtain information regarding all of their concerns.

You can use the normal Turkish job portals such as Careerjet and Yenibiris or Kariyer, however, these sites are in Turkish.

Are there any diploma and professional equivalence programs? How and where do I apply?

Foreign university diplomas are subject to a recognition and equivalence procedure before the Council of Higher Education (Yร–K). Depending on the relevant professional sector, job seekers may also be required to obtain sector-specific approvals from the relevant governmental authorities, such as the Ministry of National Education for teachers and the Ministry of Health for health professionals.

In principle, apostilled and notarized/translated copy of the diploma of the applicant for is sufficient for work permit applications. However, foreigners cannot practice professions specific to Turkish citizens such as attorneys, notaries. Furthermore, work permit applications and processing thereof of engineers, architects and urban planners who would like to engage in these activities in Turkey, lasts longer compared to ordinary applications, as the foreign employees who will engage in such activities will need to first obtain an equivalent diploma from the Turkish Higher Education Institution.