The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What childcare options are available for children who are not yet school-aged?

In most cantons, children who have reached the age of four by the end of July go to kindergarten in August. In many cantons, two years of kindergarten are compulsory, and in some - one year. In almost all cantons, kindergarten means that the child is in school from 8 am to 12 am, and in some cantons another day or two a week, children can also stay for a few hours after lunch.

The canton to which the child has been assigned will determine when the child can start school and whether preliminary preparatory/language lessons are required.

To have an overview of cantonal education structures you can consult this document mceclip0.png (also available in Ukrainian mceclip0.png and Russian mceclip0.png).

How do I enroll my child(ren) into school?

Ukrainian children can attend schools in Switzerland for free. Primary and lower-secondary education is compulsory in Switzerland for all children, regardless of their nationality or residence status. Children start primary school from the age of four. Public education is managed by the Cantons. The Canton to which a child has been assigned will determine when a child can start attending school and whether prior preparatory/language classes are needed. In principle, children are enrolled in school as soon as possible. Under certain circumstances, however, a short waiting period is to be expected.

To have an overview of cantonal education structures you can consult this document mceclip0.png (also available in Ukrainian mceclip0.png and Russian mceclip0.png).

How can I enroll my child in a Ukrainian school in first grade if we are abroad?

Documents for admission to the school can be submitted online on the website "Electronic registration in institutions of general secondary education" at the link mceclip0.png. To do this, you need to register on the site, choose an institution of general secondary education, create an application and confirm it with documents in the institution

Electronic registration is not available in Kyiv, but it is possible to submit an application online to the school's e-mail address (at the applicant's choice). Enrollment will be carried out on the basis of the application of one of the parents, submitted in person or scanned copies or photocopies. Documents must confirm the place of residence of the child, one of his parents (or people who replace them) in the territory of the institution. If parents do not have the opportunity to obtain a medical certificate for their child by May 31, this is not a reason to refuse enrollment. Original documents and medical certificates must be submitted to the educational institution no later than August 18, inclusive. More details at the link mceclip0.png.

What happens if my kid gets sick?

To call an ambulance dial 144.

Emergency health services are available for all in need. The public authorities will cover the costs for persons without health insurance.

You can find information on health care in Switzerland on Swiss Red Cross website mceclip0.png and Federal Office of Public Health FOPH website mceclip0.png.

They have also put in place a hotline to answer your questions: 0041 58 387 77 20.

Can I continue my university studies at another university? What documents do I need?

Persons with protection status S can study in Switzerland, continue their studies or further their education (their residence conditions are regulated by the recognition of protection status S). Access to studies is arranged with the university or university of applied sciences. The individual should contact them directly.

Various universities have posted their own information. Further details can be found at Swissuniversities mceclip0.png and here: Individuals with status S โ€“ Perspektiven โ€“ Studium โ€“ Perspektiven โ€“ Studium.

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships - a program of the Swiss government. There are scholarships in two streams: a research scholarship for postgraduate students and a scholarship for arts students who wish to pursue an initial master's degree in Switzerland. Acceptance of applications for the academic year 2024/25 begins in August of this year. More details mceclip0.png.

You can use the list of universities that help Ukrainian students and scientists on the English-language educational search platform Erudera mceclip0.png. The platform contains 70 offers from universities around the world, including the USA, Australia and Canada. In addition to the country and the name of the university, the table indicates the type of aid and a link mceclip0.png to the university's website.

Science For Ukraine mceclip0.png is a public group of volunteer researchers and students from academic institutions in Europe and around the world who help Ukrainians. You can apply for help through the website, and you can view the entire list of institutions that agree to cooperate with Ukrainian scientists by following the link mceclip0.png.

Useful Telegram channel "Nonformal O" mceclip0.png - scholarships, grants, courses, volunteer projects in all countries for Ukrainians.

Useful Telegram channel "Opportunities" mceclip0.png, where the latest volunteer, educational, career projects in Ukraine and various countries are published. Link to backup channel mceclip0.png.

What languages do I need to speak to be able to study?

Tuition languages are English, German, French or Italian, or blended with the national language/English. All Swiss universities require a good knowledge of the language of instruction. Prospective masterโ€™s students are advised to have a good working knowledge of English since such degree programs are being taught increasingly in English.

More information here mceclip0.png.

Where can I pass my related language exams (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS)?

IELTS Tests can be done in Bern, Geneva, St Gallen, Zurich. Registrazion and Dates on this website mceclip0.png.

Information about TOEFL test here mceclip0.png (dates and locations).