The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Can I enter the country without a visa?

You may enter Germany without visa if you resided in Ukraine as of 24 February 2022. According to the "Ukraine Residence Transitional Ordinance", the following persons are exempt from the visa requirement for Germany from March 9th, 2022: All people who were in Ukraine on February 24th, 2022, and who entered or will enter Germany after this date. This applies to all people in Ukraine at this date, regardless of whether they have a biometric passport and regardless of their citizenship. It also applies to non-Ukrainians who have lived in Ukraine. This regulation applies retrospectively from February 24th, 2022, and until May 31, 2023. That means you may enter Germany without a visa until May 31, 2023. After entering Germany, you may stay for 90 days (within 180 days) without a visa or another residence permit. If you enter Germany for the first time by May 31, 2023, you must apply for a residence permit by August 29, 2023 at the latest.

Please find further information at the link mceclip0.png.

Can I get refugee status in the country?

Yes. Please note that if you qualify for temporary protecton (see How long can I stay in the country?) it is not advisable for you to apply for asylum. You can also apply for a residence permit to study or go through vocational training or work as a skilled worker. To do so, however, you must meet a number of requirements. If you do not meet the requirements for temporary protection or any other type of residence permit, you should seek advice concerning seeking asylum. Please find the information concerning residence permits for non-Ukrainian citizens at the link mceclip0.png.

How long can I stay in the country?

People without Ukrainian citizenship can also apply for and obtain a residence permit according to ยง24 (temporary protection), if they are in one of the following groups:

  • Persons who were recognized as refugees in Ukraine or had another international or national protection status and left Ukraine since February 24th, 2022. As proof, it is sufficient to present a Ukrainian travel document for refugees or a travel document based on complementary protection ("Travel Document for Person Granted Complentary Protection").
  • The nuclear family of Ukrainian citizens or people who were recognized as refugees in Ukraine or had another international or national protection status and left Ukraine since February 24th, 2022. The nuclear family includes spouses and minor children or stepchildren or parents of unmarried minor children. The family members must have lived together in Ukraine, but the citizenship of the family member does not matter. If another family member has lived with you in Ukraine and is dependent on you (e.g. because they are in need of care or financially dependent), they can also apply for a residence permit according to Section 24. Unmarried partners living in a permanent relationship are also considered nuclear family.
  • Persons who had a permanent residence permit in Ukraine and are unable to safely return to their country of origin. Whether you can return to your country of origin is decided by the Immigration Office. A safe return is not going to be possible, for example, if there is a war going on in your country, or you do not have a passport, or you are not able to travel due to health reasons or there is no flight connection to your home country at all. The length of your stay in Ukraine and whether you have or had family there also plays a role.

If you come from Afghanistan, Eritrea or Syria, the Immigration Office automatically assumes that you cannot safely return to your country of origin. All other cases are checked individually by the immigration authorities.

  • People who had a temporary residence permit in Ukraine and are not able to return safely to their country of origin. However, this does not apply to people who were in Ukraine with short-term stay permits. The prerequisite is that your residence permit was valid for more than 90 days. So tourists or business travellers are not included. However, students or people who have worked in Ukraine can obtain a residence permit according to Section 24 of the Residence Act if they cannot return to their home country.
  • People with Ukrainian permanent residence permits who were already in Germany before February 24th, 2022, with another residence permit (e.g., as a student, skilled worker, etc.), if their original residence permit cannot be extended. This also applies to Ukrainian citizens who were in Germany as tourists up to 90 days before February 24th, 2022.

Please note: Your visa-free stay is limited to 90 days (within 180 days) from your first entry into Germany. This means that you must apply for a residence permit within 90 days of entering Germany for the first time. If you do not apply for a residence permit or apply for asylum within these 90 days, your stay will no longer be deemed legal.

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