The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Are there any social benefits I can claim such as child support?

Parents and children have a right to child and youth welfare. This includes support for children and youths with special emotional needs. Offers cover counseling, group work, support in the home, additional support in a daycare centre or school, etc.

Free and anonymous counseling is also available via the App mbeon mceclip0.png.

The Federal Foundation for Mother and Child (Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind mceclip0.png) provides financial support for pregnant women in need. You can find more information in Ukrainian in this flyer mceclip0.png.

Ukrainian families with children who have received temporary protection in Germany may qualify for kindergeld children's subsidies. The payment for each child is 250 euros. Read more about how to apply here mceclip0.png.

Starting from June 1st, 2022, people with a residence permit according to Section 24 of the Residency Act or a corresponding “Fiktionsbescheinigung” plus registration with the Ausländerzentralregister (AZR) can receive BAföG. BAföG is a state student finance program.

Support for single mothers and fathers in Germany mceclip0.png: finding necessary contacts, informational support, community.

"Together in Germany mceclip0.png" is an Internet forum where you can ask more about the employment center and other topics related to staying in Germany in Ukrainian.

The "Wefugees mceclip0.png" initiative, where refugees in Germany can ask their questions to specialists.

Crisis Center mceclip0.png for Helping Ukrainians in Munich.

Free legal assistance of UA Support mceclip0.png for refugees from different countries.

Are there any social benefits for pregnant and nursing women?

Every pregnant woman in Germany has a statutory right to medical care. The costs for such care are covered by your health insurance or the Social Welfare Office ("Sozialamt") mceclip0.png.
Federal Foundation for Mother and Child mceclip0.png supports pregnant women and mothers in need.

Refer to Handbook Germany mceclip0.png for more information.

How can I meet and socialize with other Ukrainians in a similar position?

You can register at mceclip0.png and mceclip0.png to meet refugees from Ukraine who are living near you and support them with their arrival to Germany.
There are also German-Ukrainian clubs, especially in larger cities. For example, Cologne has a German-Ukrainian Association of “Blau-Gelbes Kreuz” mceclip0.png.
Furthermore, this website mceclip0.png and Facebook page mceclip0.png connects Ukrainians in Frankfurt, this Facebook page mceclip0.png helps/unites those who live in Munich. This website mceclip0.png and this mceclip0.png connects Ukrainians in Dresden.

For more information refer to Handbook Germany mceclip0.png.

You can also join these Facebook groups:

You can also join these Telegram groups:

Are there specific social supports available to me if I am elderly?

You are covered by public health insurance and are eligible for mental health support. You normally don't need any documents other than your health insurance card.

If necessary, you can get prostheses, wheelchairs, clothes, strollers for free. Ask about this when contacting social services.

Are there specific social supports available to me if I have a disability?

If you have special needs because you have a disability or need care, you can apply for additional assistance. You can search for a doctor in your area on the website of the German Medical Association mceclip0.png. You can also search for a counseling center in your area, for instance National Refugee Councils mceclip0.png.
Heimverzeichnis mceclip0.png has nursing home-care center, which offers professional care services.

To apply for support from the state, you must first register for a "Disability Card" ("Schwerbehindertenausweis"). Only people with a severe disability (a GdB of 50 or higher) can obtain this card. To apply for a "Disability Card", you must fill the relevant form and hand it in (along with all your medical certificates) to your local Pension Office ("Versorgungsamt"). You can find the proper office at mceclip0.png. In case your GdB is lower than 50, you may still be able to benefit from the support you need under some circumstances. To do so, seek help from a counselling centre.

You can find help, for example, at the Migration counselling centre for Adults mceclip0.png or a Youth Migration Service mceclip0.png. The staff there speak different languages. You can also access special counselling for people with disabilities (in German) at mceclip0.png. If you need specialised counselling in your language as a people with disabilities, you can also contact MINA mceclip0.png - Life in Diversity e.V. in Berlin. The staff there speak German, Arabic, Bulgarian, French, English, Russian and Turkish. You can reach the MINA counselling centre Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 to 15:00 and Thursday from 10:00 to 17:00 via the telephone number 403 65 76 20 or by email to

If necessary, you can get prostheses, wheelchairs, clothes, strollers for free. Ask about this when contacting social services.

Crossroads is a service center that provides free initial and orientation consultations by phone.

The service center team will help you navigate the German support system for people with disabilities and contact the relevant support services.

What questions should I contact Crossroads about?

  • Regarding access to state assistance from the Department of Social Protection of the Population and the Employment Center;
  • Status of residence or possibilities of obtaining asylum;
  • Child care organizations (nursery, school);
  • Possibilities of learning the language and the process of evacuation from Ukraine;
  • Assistance in finding local assistance near the place of residence;
  • Contacts with local consulting services.

The project to help people with disabilities from the international organization Handicap International mceclip0.png.

How can I help others? What volunteering organisations could I join?

There are many ways to support Ukraine and Ukrainians arriving in Germany. You can find information on how to help at ukraine-verstehen mceclip0.png, Leave No One Behind mceclip0.png and the Central Council of the Sinti and Roma mceclip0.png.

You can register at mceclip0.png and mceclip0.png to meet refugees from Ukraine who are now living near you and support them with their adjustment to Germany.

Source: Handbook Germany mceclip0.png.

What other forms of social support/welfare should I know about? (Buddy systems, etc.) Who is eligible? How does someone apply?
  1. If you already have a residence permit according to Section 24 of the Residence Act or a respective “Fiktionsbescheinigung” and are registered at the “Ausländerzentralregister”, you are entitled to financial support from the state. The financial support includes accommodation or money for covering the flat rent, utilities and heating costs, as well as costs of food, clothing, etc. and health insurance. 
  2. If you are already registered but do not yet have a residence permit according to §24 Residence Act or a corresponding “Fiktionsbescheinigung” + registration in the Central Register of Foreign Nationals (AZR), you are also entitled to financial support from the state. You can receive support on the basis of the so-called “Asylum Seeker Benefits Act”. This includes accommodation and money for food, clothing, etc. You will also receive a small amount of pocket money. If you move into your own flat, you can also receive additional financial support for furnishing the place. You need to apply for such assistance at the Social Welfare Office responsible for you. The office responsible for you is the Social Welfare Office at the place where you are staying. On mceclip0.png, you will find a list of all Social Welfare Offices in the respective federal states.
  3. If you apply for asylum, you will be accommodated in an initial reception center and provided with the essentials there. You will also receive a small amount of pocket money. You must apply for financial support at the Social Welfare Office responsible for you. The office responsible for you is the Social Welfare Office at the place where you are staying. On mceclip0.png, you will find a list of all Social Welfare Offices in the respective federal states.
  4. Persons who are currently staying in Germany without a visa and who cannot obtain a residence permit can, according to Section 24, receive so-called “bridging benefits” (“Überbrückungsleistungen”) according to Section 23 (3) SGB XII for the first three months of their stay. The prerequisite for this is that you do not have any money of your own. You can get money for food, clothing, shelter, emergency medical care. If you are pregnant or have young children, you will receive additional support. You must apply for financial support at the Social Welfare Office responsible for you. The office responsible for you is the Social Welfare Office at the place where you are staying. On mceclip0.png, you will find a list of all Social Welfare Offices in the respective federal states.

After the first three months, you can, under certain conditions, receive financial support for living expenses, in the event of illness, pregnancy and maternity as well as help with care according to Section 23 Para. 1 SGB XII.

Parents and children have a right to child and youth welfare. This includes a right to support for children and youths with special emotional needs. Offers cover counselling, group work, support in the home, additional support in a daycare centre or school, etc. Free and anonymous counselling is also available via the App mbeon mceclip0.png.

The German support program «Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt» opens up new prospects for Ukrainians living in Germany. Starting from July 1, 2023, the Jobcenter will offer refugees a number of new opportunities to improve their skills:

  • you can complete training in your specialty and receive a relevant certificate. This may include training from scratch, which usually lasts three years, and its costs will be covered;
  • you will receive financial support while learning the necessary basic skills, such as reading, math or IT;
  • if you need to attend further education courses to complete your studies in your field of study, you will receive additional support in the amount of 150 euros ("Weiterbildungsgeld");
  • if you participate in programs that help you return to your profession for a longer period of time, you will receive an additional "Bürgergeld-Bonus" of 75 euros per month;
  • you can also take advantage of intensive coaching provided by the job center. This new offer allows you to receive support right at home so that you can continue to learn a new profession or work.

How can Ukrainians get €200 for local cultural initiatives?

Persons living in Germany who are or will be 18 years old in 2023 can receive €200 as part of the "KulturPass" initiative.

Funds can be used for:

  • purchase of tickets, books, CDs, vinyl records, etc.;
  • cultural activities of your own choosing, including visits to museums, cinema, theater and concerts.

Please note that the funds must be spent locally, only on German services or goods that are registered participants of the campaign.

To receive €200, you need to register online.

Online registration mceclip0.png.

In Germany, changes concerning Bürgergeld — social assistance from the employment center (Jobcenter) — have come into effect. From July 1, a mandatory condition for receiving Bürgergeld is to be within reach of the Jobcenter.

Recipients of Bürgergeld must be within reach of the Jobcenter: they must respond to messages from the job center on weekdays in a timely manner, and also be able to visit the job center at short notice.

Trips up to 2.5 hours in one direction from the place of residence are allowed. Exceptions are, for example, participation in medical or religious activities.

Long-term trips up to 21 days per year are allowed upon prior agreement with the employment center. Absence from the place of residence without the consent of the employment center can now lead not only to sanctions, but also to the complete loss of Bürgergeld.

Source mceclip0.png.

Alliance of Ukrainian Organizations in Berlin mceclip0.png, which provides consultations on documents, housing search, etc.

Information support mceclip0.png for Ukrainians in Germany from EU representatives.

Germany launches the project "Femme digitale academy" - free training in IT for Ukrainian women.

Training provides an opportunity to acquire the necessary skills that will help you find a job in a European company. The project is sponsored by leading IT companies looking for specialists.

The training is designed for women with 1-2 years of IT experience or relevant professional education who are fluent in English.

The training includes an introductory meeting, 6 online seminars of 3 hours and individual trainings of 2 hours.

To apply for participation in the Femme digitale academy project, you need to fill out a form mceclip0.png. There you will find more detailed information about the selection and training criteria.

How can Ukrainians apply for a Ukrainian pension abroad?

According to the Ministry of Reintegration, Ukrainians who were forced to go abroad due to the war can now send an application for the appointment or renewal of a pension by mail.

An application for the appointment (renewal) of a pension can be sent to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, regardless of the person's place of registration.

Infographics mceclip0.png

Source mceclip0.png