The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What documents do I need to work in this country?

You are allowed to work if you have applied for or already received a residence permit (Aufenthaltstitel or Fiktionsbescheinigung) that indicates your permission to work.

You do not need to apply for another work permit with another authority, as Foreigners Authority permits paid employment on the residence permit.

Employers who accept illegal workers to avoid paying taxes and social contributions. That is why punishment for illegal work will be borne not only by the employee, but also by the employer.

The employer can be imprisoned for up to 5 years, and the employee will be forced to pay a fine of up to 5,000 euros if he works without the appropriate permit.ย  More information here .

Where can I search for a job?

More information about job search in Germany can be found at the "Job Hunting and Application" of Handbook Germany.

There are also some platforms specifically for people from Ukraine looking for work in the EU:

You can find mentors to help you find a job at , , . They speak English and German.
You can also call the Employment Agency and seek advice before receiving a residence permit. The staff speak Ukrainian and Russian and can be reached at 0911-178 7915 - they are available Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. You can also seek advice in German by calling 0800 โ€“ 4555500.

Workeer is a job platform on which thousands of companies willing to hire refugees are active. You can create a profile in just a few minutes so that the employers can contact you or apply directly for open job positions. Alternatively, you can contact initiatives that can support you in job hunting and answer your questions. The website is in German, but you can use Google Translate to benefit from it in your language.

Free consultations in Ukrainian and Russian on employment issues (help with resumes, job search) and more in the city of Berlin.

One of the highest paying jobs in Germany that Ukrainians can get is in the healthcare sector. Currently, there is a special need in the country for narrow-profile specialists in psychiatric, rehabilitation centers and health boarding houses. Also, citizens of Ukraine are offered work in gastronomy, at logistics warehouses where goods need to be stocked, at food and processing industry enterprises, and in the automotive industry.

Average salary in Germany (per month):

  • medical workers (doctors, nurses) - 2000-5000 euros;
  • engineers: 2,000-5,000 euros;
  • car mechanics: 2000-3500 euros;
  • sellers: 1800-2500 euros.
Are there any services available to help me find a job?

The first point of contact for job hunting is your local Employment Agency in your area. There, you can register as a job seeker and benefit from their assistance and advice.
The Federal Employment Agency (Agentur fรผr Arbeit) provides support in finding a job in Germany. In addition, Federal Employment Agency has compiled information for Ukrainian refugees in the Ukrainian language here .

For more information please visit Handbook Germany .

Several sites and platforms for finding formal jobs:

You can also search for a job on social networks such as Linkedin and Xing .

In order to find a job, Ukrainians need to speak German. Currently, it is possible to attend free state language courses . You can also use free apps or online resources such as Babbel , Jicki , Hallo .

A resource for obtaining free consultations on job search and resume preparation with the support of the Berlin Senate.

Program to support Ukrainians in employment in Germany.

Free integration opportunities (competency assessment, courses, qualification offers) from FAW.

Thanks to the Taskrabbit application , Ukrainians can find work near them for one or two hours. The principle of operation of the application is the same as that of the Ukrainian service Performers look at what needs to be done in the task and the price. If the conditions are suitable, the performers take on the task. The payment is insured by the application, so the person is guaranteed to receive funds. Walk the dog, move furniture upstairs, help mow the lawn, change light bulbs, and more.

Free consultations on work and education in Germany

The Federal Employment Agency in Germany provides free consultations to Ukrainians regarding:

  • finding a suitable job or professional training;
  • opportunities for obtaining higher education;
  • language courses;
  • opportunities for professional development;
  • recognition of a certificate of professional education.

To get advice, call the hotline of the Federal Employment Agency:

  • phone: +49 911-178 7915;
  • languages: Ukrainian, Russian;
  • opening hours: Monday - Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Friday - from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Germany launches the project "Femme digitale academy" - free training in IT for Ukrainian women.

Training provides an opportunity to acquire the necessary skills that will help you find a job in a European company. The project is sponsored by leading IT companies looking for specialists.

The training is designed for women with 1-2 years of IT experience or relevant professional education who are fluent in English.

The training includes an introductory meeting, 6 online seminars of 3 hours and individual trainings of 2 hours.

To apply for participation in the Femme digitale academy project, you need to fill out a form . There you will find more detailed information about the selection and training criteria.

Are there any diploma and professional equivalence programs? How and where do I apply?

To work according to your specialization you may need to have your Ukrainian education and qualifications recognized in Germany. The correspondence of professional education documents to similar German ones must be confirmed by the competent authority in Germany that deals with the recognition of professional education. More information here .

You can get a free consultation on qualification recognition at the German Advisory Center or at the hotline +49 30 1815 - 1111 (Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00).

For vocational training, you can apply directly with a company. Federal Employment Agency provides support for people looking for a job or a training opportunity,

On , you can search for a vocational training position.

Where to find help for those who have problems with their employer or from the Jobcenter/Sozialamt?

On website you can find experts and organizations that advise on the rights of employees, as well as on the rights of persons receiving assistance from the Jobcenter or Sozialamt. Select your federal state on the website to find the nearest organization. Employees of the organizations speak different languages, including English and Ukrainian, and help free of charge, for example, with filling out the necessary applications.

You can also seek help from a counseling organization for migrants. On the site, enter the name of the settlement or your index.

Is it possible to work and receive social benefits at the same time?

When Ukrainians find work in Germany, they lose the right to social benefits. However, working for minijob, you can receive a salary and financial assistance at the same time.

Minijob is minimal employment or short-term employment.

Your job is considered a Minijob if, as of 2023, you:

  • earn no more than 538 euros per month and no more than 6456 euros per year;
  • work no more than 3 months (up to 5 hours per week) or 70 working days per year (up to 5 days per week).

Important information for those who are registered with the Jobcenter: you can keep 100 euros per month from your salary and 20% of the remaining amount. The rest of the funds cover the difference to the subsistence minimum with the help of social benefits. At the same time, the Jobcenter will continue to pay for your rented accommodation, health insurance and school meals.

What else is important to know about minijob?

  • You have social protection: the right to pay, vacation and a fixed minimum wage.
  • You can work for several minijobs, but you must earn less than 538 euros per month or work for up to 3 months or 70 days. If you earn or work more, then your job will already be called Midijob and will be considered medium employment.
  • You can submit an application to the employer for exemption from paying pension contributions. You are also exempt from paying social security contributions to the insurance fund, but you must take out an insurance policy yourself.

Source: .