The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What childcare options are available for children who are not yet school-aged?

Ukrainian children have the right to daycare under German law. You can get information about various Kita and Kindergarten (in Germany, for children aged 0-3 the daycare centers called "Kindertagesstรคtte" or "Kita" and 3-6 years, its called Kindergarten) portals such as mceclip0.png or mceclip0.png and search for a fitting Kita.

Costs vary from Kita to Kita and district to district. If you cannot afford Kita fees, you can apply for a "day-care voucher" (Kita-Gutschein) at the Youth Welfare Office mceclip0.png.

In Germany, each of the 16 federal states (Bundeslรคnder) has its own rules, even though there are many similarities. In Berlin, daycare in Kitas/Kindergรคrten is free of charge. Kindergรคrten are free of charge in the federal states of Hessen, Niedersachsen, and Rheinland-Pfalz. Parents may, however, be asked to pay for their childrenโ€™s meals.

Please note that to attend a Kita/Kindergarten in Germany, children usually need to prove that they are vaccinated against measles. Please check with the local authorities where your children can get vaccinated.

More information at Handbook Germany mceclip0.png.

How do I enroll my child(ren) into school?

To enroll your children in school, please get in touch with the local education authority (Schulamt) or the schools directly.

If you need advice or support, you can contact the Youth Migration Service mceclip0.png. (Jugendmigrationsdienst) in your area or the Parent Hotline mceclip0.png (Elternhotline). The staff speak numerous languages and will help you free of charge.

Here mceclip0.png you can find detailed information on the schooling system in your neighborhood.
You can find many educational resources for your child in Ukrainian on mceclip0.png.
You can find various Ukrainian textbooks for all grades on mceclip0.png and mceclip0.png

Also, please check this online hub mceclip0.png for children in 7-11 grades for home studies and additional resources. It does not replace the official school curriculum.

An educational hub for refugees mceclip0.png from Ukraine opened in Leipzig. Here, children fleeing the war in Germany will be able to:

  • Master IT professions;
  • Learn German, English and Ukrainian languages;
  • With the help of artificial intelligence, determine the profession that best suits your abilities;
  • Attend excursions and other cultural events for meaningful recreation;
  • Get to know the culture of Germany and the peculiarities of living here.

All classes and activities are free. Coordinator of the institution in Germany, Antonina Vashchuk -

How can I enroll my child in a Ukrainian school in first grade if we are abroad?

Documents for admission to the school can be submitted online on the website "Electronic registration in institutions of general secondary education" at the link mceclip0.png. To do this, you need to register on the site, choose an institution of general secondary education, create an application and confirm it with documents in the institution

Electronic registration is not available in Kyiv, but it is possible to submit an application online to the school's e-mail address (at the applicant's choice). Enrollment will be carried out on the basis of the application of one of the parents, submitted in person or scanned copies or photocopies. Documents must confirm the place of residence of the child, one of his parents (or people who replace them) in the territory of the institution. If parents do not have the opportunity to obtain a medical certificate for their child by May 31, this is not a reason to refuse enrollment. Original documents and medical certificates must be submitted to the educational institution no later than August 18, inclusive. More details at the link mceclip0.png.

What happens if my kid gets sick?

Once granted temporary protection status you and your child will have access to the healthcare system. Urgent medical service is provided in all hospitals without health insurance.
Official information on healthcare in Ukrainian, Russian, English, German is at mceclip0.png.

  • At mceclip0.png, you can find a children's doctor near your location in Germany. Choose "Kinderheilkunde / Kinder- und Jugendmedizin" and the city you are based in.
  • mceclip0.png - a full list of Ukrainian and Russian speaking doctors in Berlin. Scroll down to "Kinder- und Jugendmedizin" to find options for medical assistance for children.
  • Children from Ukraine who are sick with cancer can get a free medical treatment in Essen mceclip0.png:
  • Contact details of Ukrainian speaking child-doctors in Berlin: 1) Andreas Mรผhmer. Rathenower Str. 52 Tel: 030/39838028 2) Tetyana Smetanyuk, Izabela Varahram 10551, Turmstr. 31 Tel: 030/3961010 3) Galina Nรถtzel 12621, Chemnitzer Str. 196 Tel: 030/5677267 4) Valeriya Maryuschenko 12679, Basdorfer Str. 10 Tel: 030/9350409 5) Ana Garcia 10178, Dircksenstr. 47 16 40 20 Tel: 030/2 4569870.
  • By downloading the Doctolib application mceclip0.png to your smartphone, you can easily book appointments with doctors near your location in advance.
Can I continue my university studies at another university? What documents do I need?

Both Germany and Ukraine implement the Bologna system. Your academic achievements from Ukraine will therefore likely be recognized in Germany. Whether you get a place at a certain university depends on the university's decision. You can contact the respective universities directly.

You can continue your studies even if you have not yet completed your first year of study in Ukraine. You do not have to take an entrance exam. You will however most likely have to prove that you have the appropriate language skills.

Universities are putting in place schemes to welcome Ukrainians and people fleeing Ukraine such as the examples below and many more. You can contact your local university for more information.

  • The European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) is offering special preparation classes for Ukrainian refugees as well as the opportunity to study there. It is also assisting Ukrainians with respect to student housing.
  • The Ukrainian Free University in Munich is providing various forms of assistance to Ukrainians affected by the war. They are collecting donations to offer scholarships to those unable to pay the tuition fees due to the war.
  • The Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich is collecting donations to support students and professors in various ways (one-time financial support / fellowships / assistance for dealing with the German authorities / counselling regarding German classes and options to study at LMU). More information here mceclip0.png.

Universities in Germany that offer funding and assistance to Ukrainian students:

Free University of Berlin

Whether you are an applicant or already studying at a higher education institution, the Free University of Berlin has a Student Services Center where you can go for basic information. They will provide detailed information on curricula, higher education degrees, admission criteria and the procedure for applying for a budget. In particular, if you plan to study full-time and receive a scholarship, you need to apply on the website.

  • Address: Kaiserswerther Str. 16-18
  • Phone: + 49 30 838-1, +49 30 838-70000
  • Email:


This institution provides Ukrainians with advice on education, full or partial funding, language courses, free meals and the legal status of refugees. Benefits for Ukrainian refugees operate under the High Potential Student Grant program. The term of financing is up to 30 months.

International students for admission to the RWTH need to apply for a place on the course through the International Office. Detailed information on admission requirements and application is available on the website. For individual questions, please contact the Department of Social Affairs.

  • Address: Templergraben 55
  • Phone: +49 241 80 1
  • Email:

University of Bremen

The University of Bremen provides tuition counseling and financial support for students. For the accessibility of education, refugees are encouraged to join the HERE AHEAD program, where they can apply online. The training includes language and technical training, as well as vocational guidance.

The preparatory program offers German courses from A2 level to C1 fluency.

  • Address: Bibliothekstrasse 1
  • Email:
  • Phone: +49 421 218-69681

University of Hamburg

The University of Hamburg provides counseling sessions and psychological assistance for refugees from Ukraine. Free tickets to the library for 1 year are also provided. For admission, it is necessary to recognize a foreign school leaving certificate and confirm the level of German at least B2. German courses are offered in various faculties.

  • Address: Mittelweg 177
  • Phone: +49 40 42838-1807
  • Email:

Leibniz University Hannover

Leibniz University Hannover provides information on teaching, research, language courses, advisory services, funding and support. For admission, it is necessary to confirm special language skills and translate Ukrainian documents on education into German. To finance training, you must apply for a BAfรถG at the Employment Centre. Assistance will be paid if you live in the country for less than 15 months, you can also receive scholarships from various organizations such as DAAD.

  • Address: Welfengarten 1
  • Phones: +49 511 762-2020, +49 511 762 โ€“ 0

Please note that starting from June 1st, 2022, people with a residence permit according to Section 24 of the Residency Act or a corresponding โ€œFiktionsbescheinigungโ€ plus registration with the Auslรคnderzentralregister (AZR) can receive BAfรถG. BAfรถG is a state student finance program.

Ukrainian students who were unable to graduate from school because of the war can still study in Germany. The Ukrainian students have to apply to their chosen university's preparatory course ("Studienkolleg"). For admission to a preparatory course, you must prove that you attended the 11th grade in Ukraine.

More information on current scholarship programs for Ukrainians can be found here mceclip0.png.

Ukrainian immigrant students currently temporarily residing in Germany can apply for a scholarship from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Who is eligible for the scholarship? Undergraduate and graduate students.

What can be obtained as part of the scholarship?

  • financial assistance (depending on your income or your parents' income) up to 752 euros per month plus 300 euros for study-related expenses (books, writing materials, etc.);
  • a wide range of seminars on important political, economic, academic and cultural topics;
  • access to an extended network of fellows and graduates;
  • career counseling and support for the first steps in the labor market.

How to apply?

The application must be submitted online at by July 15.

You can find more detailed information about the scholarship on the website of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation mceclip0.png.

Current scholarship programs for students in Germany mceclip0.png.

GFPS mceclip0.pngย - German scholarship programs for students.

Actual scholarships for Ukrainians of the DAAD center mceclip0.png. DAAD provides scholarships to students and graduates from Ukraine to enable their stay in Germany.

These are usually scholarships for master's or postgraduate programs, as well as research stays for scientists in Germany. Unfortunately, scholarships for bachelor's programs, diploma programs and programs with a state exam are not offered.

You can find information about possible scholarships in the DAAD scholarship database mceclip0.png.

You can use the list of universities that help Ukrainian students and scientists on the English-language educational search platform Erudera mceclip0.png. The platform contains 70 offers from universities around the world, including the USA, Australia and Canada. In addition to the country and the name of the university, the table indicates the type of aid and a link mceclip0.png to the university's website.

Science For Ukraine mceclip0.png is a public group of volunteer researchers and students from academic institutions in Europe and around the world who help Ukrainians. You can apply for help through the website, and you can view the entire list of institutions that agree to cooperate with Ukrainian scientists by following the link mceclip0.png.

Useful Telegram channel "Nonformal O" mceclip0.png - scholarships, grants, courses, volunteer projects in all countries for Ukrainians.

Useful Telegram channel "Opportunities" mceclip0.png, where the latest volunteer, educational, career projects in Ukraine and various countries are published. Link to backup channel mceclip0.png.

What languages do I need to speak to be able to study?

The required language skills depend on the specific course of study. Classes at German universities are mainly held in German and thus, the German language might be required. You can search for a programme in a certain language on mceclip0.png.

An educational hub for refugees mceclip0.png from Ukraine opened in Leipzig. Here, people fleeing the war in Germany will be able to:

  • Master IT professions;
  • To improve soft skills, which are highly valued in the labor market;
  • Learn German, English and Ukrainian languages;
  • With the help of artificial intelligence, determine the profession that best suits your abilities;
  • Get support for employment;
  • Attend excursions and other cultural events for meaningful recreation;
  • Get to know the culture of Germany and the peculiarities of living here.

All classes and activities are free. Coordinator of the institution in Germany, Antonina Vashchuk -

Free German courses for Ukrainians throughout Germany mceclip0.png.

An open resource mceclip0.png for finding any textbooks and books in German.

Free resource mceclip0.png for self-study of the German language online.

Where can I pass my related language exams (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS)?

There are numerous test centers all over Germany. Just bear in mind that not all test centers have regular tests scheduled. It is best to check on mceclip0.png for current information. More information at mceclip0.png.

At what age can children be left alone at home abroad?

Parents have a legal duty to supervise their children ("Aufsichtspflicht"). This includes protecting children from harm and ensuring that they do not harm others. However, this does not mean that parents must constantly supervise their children. Since there are no age regulations on this subject in Germany, it is up to parents to decide how much supervision their children need, based on their maturity level, personality, character and environment.

However, the decisions of the Federal Court, which stated:

  • children under 3 years old should not be left alone;
  • check children from 3 to 5 years old every 15 minutes;
  • children 6 years old should not be left alone for more than an hour;
  • Do not leave 7-year-old children alone for more than two hours;
  • Do not leave children 10 years and older for more than two hours.

It is worth noting that the cases according to the mentioned decisions related to situations when children were left to play alone on the street, and therefore it is always necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the situation, the interests and safety of the child.

Sources mceclip0.png.