The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What childcare options are available for children who are not yet school-aged?

Children from 6 months to 3 years can be accepted to a nursery (ลผล‚obek); children from 3 years can be enrolled into kindergarten. You need to contact the kindergarten that is in your area. The director of kindergarten will make a decision to admit the child. If there are no vacancies, ask the gmina administration (Urzฤ…d gminy) to provide more information about other options. Official information is at mceclip0.png.

Parents of children attending daycare can receive monthly financial assistance in the amount of 400 zlotys. More information here mceclip0.png.

How do I enroll my child(ren) into school?

To enroll your cild into school you need:

  • Collect documents about the child's previous education (certificates etc). If you do not have them - write a statement with the school name that the child was attending and the total number of completed years;
  • Contact the Polish school of your choice and submit the application. The decision will be made by the school director;
  • If there is no space in the selected school, please contact the administration of the gmina where you live and ask them to help.

Education for children aged 7-18 in public schools is free.
The school organizes additional free Polish language lessons. Students and their parents can count on psychological and pedagogical assistance related to moving the countries by psychologists, teachers and pedagogical therapists.

Check for more info via this phone: +22 34 74 708 and email: or visit the official website mceclip0.png.

Also, please check this online hub for children in 7-11 grades for home studies and additional resources. It does not replace the official school curriculum.

Free Polish courses for schoolchildren mceclip0.png.

The platform, together with the international foundation Save the Children, supports Ukrainian children in learning Polish. By registering on the website mceclip0.png, a student will learn Polish for free with professional teachers. During online lessons, students will overcome the language barrier and gain knowledge that they can use in everyday situations.

It should be added that the classes are held in small groups of up to 20 people, which are formed according to the age of the children and their level of language proficiency.

How can I enroll my child in a Ukrainian school in first grade if we are abroad?

Documents for admission to the school can be submitted online on the website "Electronic registration in institutions of general secondary education" at the link mceclip0.png. To do this, you need to register on the site, choose an institution of general secondary education, create an application and confirm it with documents in the institution

Electronic registration is not available in Kyiv, but it is possible to submit an application online to the school's e-mail address (at the applicant's choice). Enrollment will be carried out on the basis of the application of one of the parents, submitted in person or scanned copies or photocopies. Documents must confirm the place of residence of the child, one of his parents (or people who replace them) in the territory of the institution. If parents do not have the opportunity to obtain a medical certificate for their child by May 31, this is not a reason to refuse enrollment. Original documents and medical certificates must be submitted to the educational institution no later than August 18,ย  inclusive. More details at the link mceclip0.png.

What happens if my kid gets sick?

You are entitled to get free medical care in any of the state hospitals.
You can also go to one of the private clinics that offers free support to those coming from Ukraine:
โ€ข Baby Clinic mceclip0.pngย in Wroclaw.
โ€ข Centrum Damiana mceclip0.pngย across Poland.
โ€ข Lux Med mceclip0.png across Poland.

Can I continue my university studies at another university? What documents do I need?

Yes, you can continue your studies at university. As each university has their own admission rules we recommend you to contact the desired university directly. You can be accepted to university without documents as well.

A list of Polish language programs can be found at: mceclip0.png.
A list of English language programs can be found at: mceclip0.png.
Information about the education system can be found at:ย mceclip0.png.

A project mceclip0.png to support Ukrainian youth has been launched in Poland. Young people from Ukraine can study at universities and reside in Poland for free on the condition of a combination of study and work.

Ukrainians from 18 to 25 years old who want to study at Polish universities or police schools can take part in the program. You can choose your own institution, field of study and form of study. Program participants will help with finding a job, as well as provide housing or compensation for rent, provide benefits for public transport, health insurance and a payment for the vacations in the amount of 1.8 thousand zlotys per year.

Both graduates of Ukrainian schools and students who are already studying in Poland can join the program. To participate in the project, you need to provide the appropriate documents (high school diploma or certificate from your university) and fill out an application form on the website mceclip0.png.

Pay attention! To clarify the details, you should contact the organizers of the program by phone: +48 664 554 324 or write to the email address:

Ukrainians who moved to Poland after February 24, 2022, and lost their educational document can obtain a European Qualification Passport (EQPR). The EQPR is a tool that facilitates the recognition of refugees' qualifications even in the absence of complete documentation. It also records the refugee's highest level of education, experience and language skills.

In addition, this document can be used by refugees who wish to pursue further education.

The document was created in order to:

  • provide an opportunity to continue the training started;
  • replace the lost documents confirming the following: 1. higher education; 2. vocational education; 3. complete secondary education; 4. training practice;
  • confirmation of language skills.

To apply for this document, you need to follow a few steps.

  1. create an account on this website mceclip0.png;
  2. fill in the profile questionnaire for the EQPR;
  3. apply for the document.

For more information on how to register for the European Qualification Passport, please refer to the special booklet mceclip0.png on the document (available in Ukrainian).

If you have any additional questions, you can get a consultation in Ukrainian by calling 451 058 653.

Hotline for citizens of Ukraine

If you crossed the border since February 24, 2022 due to the outbreak of war, and you need informational support regarding the continuation of interrupted studies in Ukraine or support in further preparations for the defense of a scientific degree, contact us by phone: +48 508 188 189

NAWA, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange mceclip0.png, offers Ukrainians to continue obtaining higher education in universities in Polish or English.

You can use the list of universities that help Ukrainian students and scientists on the English-language educational search platform Erudera mceclip0.png. The platform contains 70 offers from universities around the world, including the USA, Australia and Canada. In addition to the country and the name of the university, the table indicates the type of aid and a link mceclip0.png to the university's website.

Science For Ukraine mceclip0.png is a public group of volunteer researchers and students from academic institutions in Europe and around the world who help Ukrainians. You can apply for help through the website, and you can view the entire list of institutions that agree to cooperate with Ukrainian scientists by following the link mceclip0.png.

Useful Telegram channel "Nonformal O" mceclip0.png - scholarships, grants, courses, volunteer projects in all countries for Ukrainians.

Useful Telegram channel "Opportunities" mceclip0.png, where the latest volunteer, educational, career projects in Ukraine and various countries are published. Link to backup channel mceclip0.png.

What languages do I need to speak to be able to study?

You can study in English or Polish. If you don't speak Polish you will be provided free language courses mceclip0.png.

The University of Warsaw for Ukraine project offers Ukrainians the opportunity to register for Polish and other foreign languages.

The goal of the project is to provide Ukrainians with the skills necessary for integration into Polish society. The curators also emphasize that they will help qualified refugees find jobs. You can currently sign up to learn Polish, English, German, and French. To register, fill out the form on this website mceclip0.png.

Where can I pass my related language exams (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS)?

TOEFL test are here mceclip0.png;
IELTS test centers are here mceclip0.png.

At what age can children be left alone at home abroad?

According to Polish legislation, a child under the age of 7 cannot be alone at home without adult supervision. Otherwise, parents may face legal liability, defined by the Code of Offenses and the Criminal Code (according to mceclip0.png).

According to the Code of Criminal Offenses, anyone who leaves a minor child under the age of 7 unattended is subject to a fine (from PLN 20 to PLN 5,000) or a reprimand.

According to the Criminal Code, if an adult unknowingly leaves a child alone at home, he faces punishment in the form of a fine, restriction of freedom or imprisonment for up to 1 year. At the same time, in accordance with Article 160 of the Criminal Code, anyone who exposes a person to immediate danger to life or receiving serious damage to health is punished by imprisonment for a term of up to 3 years.

Source mceclip0.png.
