The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What documents do I need to work in this country?

You are allowed to work under the temporary protection without work permit.

Where can I search for a job?

You can register yourself at National Employment Agency or you can access one of the many online platforms that provide help in job searching:

Are there any services available to help me find a job?

If you register at National Employment Agency you can benefit from information and professional counseling, evaluation and certification of professional skills and other employment simulation measures.

Without at least a basic knowledge of the language of the host country, it is very difficult to find a job there. Unless it's some kind of remote on English-language online platforms, unskilled without communicating with locals, working directly with and for our refugees etc. Romania offers Ukrainians a wide range of language courses to make it easier for them to adapt and find employment.

You can learn Romanian using these contacts:

  • IOM Romania - 11th, Viitorului Street, Bucharest 020602, Phone: +40 21 210 30 50, Fax: +40 21ย  211 44 54, Email:, Mon.-Fri. 9:00 to 17:30.
  • Aggregator of all existing courses , many offers and public centers, on commercial and charitable basis, as well as private tutors. Please note that some vacancies will require you to provide a language certificate. Usually, as you study officially, at the end of the course you will pass the exam at the level - in accredited institutions.
Are there any diploma and professional equivalence programs? How and where do I apply?

If you want to work in a field where you have experience or for which you have studied and you don't have the necessary documents (diplomas, certifications, certificates) you will need to give a declaration that you have done training or have experience in the field (one of the requirements is not to have criminal records). This statement is valid for 12 months, but it can be extended for 6 months or 1 year, during which you will have all the rights and obligations provided by the labor law.

There is also the National Center for recognition and equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED ) - an application for recognition can be submitted, and, after analyzing and evaluating it, the Center will decide whether recognize it or not.