The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Where can I go to get emergency health care and how much it costs? Do I need certain documents?

Romania provides free medical care, diagnostics and treatment of all refugees fleeing Ukraine. You are entitled to receive medical care depending on your needs if the entry into Romania meets the legal conditions. More information at .

  • Telios Care offers remote medical services in Ukrainian for Free (telemedicine)
  • Medcase connects patients with on-the-ground and virtual medical assistance
  • Sanador provides free medical care
  • Medicover supports the Ukrainian refugee mothers with free pediatric consultations and pregnancy monitoring
  • Ukraine Child Cancer Help helps any Ukrainian child that fights cancer to get access to special medical care that he needs.

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has collected comprehensive information on how and where Ukrainians living abroad can receive free medical care: from consultations and examinations to inpatient treatment. See more here .

Can I talk to a doctor in Ukrainian/Russian?

You can contact Telios Care at 0040373787805 and get a free consultation in Ukrainian.

Where can I fill my prescription or treat long-term conditions and how much will it cost?

Based on your unique identification number that you get with temporary protection, healthcare providers can give you prescriptions for the meds you need.

As in regards to long-term conditions, given the fact that you have access to our health care system, you can treat your condition in our hospitals. People with temporary protection have the right to receive free medical assistance, including treatment in cases of acute or chronic diseases that put their life in imminent danger.

I am pregnant, where can I get gynecology care?

Medicover clinics support Ukrainian refugee mothers with free pediatric consultations and pregnancy monitoring. To access the medical services you need call +4021 796 7391 (answered by a Ukrainian-speaking operator and five English speakers operators)
More information at .

Can I benefit from public health care?

Yes, people who seek protection under asylum legislation can benefit from the basic medical services package, as well as the medicines, sanitary materials and medical devices. They will not be required to pay the health social insurance contribution, the personal contribution for the medicines provided in ambulatory treatment and are exempted from co-payment. Also, they do not need to present a referral note (in Romanian, bilet de trimitere).

People from Ukraine who have the benefit of temporary protection, have the right to receive primary medical assistance and corresponding treatment, emergency hospital medical assistance, as well as free medical assistance and treatment in case of acute or chronic diseases which put their lives in imminent danger, through the national system for emergency medical assistance and qualified first aid. Also, the beneficiaries of temporary protection with special needs have the right to receive adequate medical assistance.

Do I need to register in order to obtain health coverage and if yes how?

In order to be registered, you must present the documents and the identification number received when you registered for temporary protection. Healthcare providers will enter your data into an online platform to generate a unique temporary registration number. Based on this number, you will be able to benefit from consultations, medical services, prescriptions, referral tickets and more.

You have access to hospitals in the public health system and, in addition, there are some private hospitals that offer help to Ukrainian citizens.


Please note that health insurance is mandatory in all EU countries.

What does public healthcare cover?

Public health care covers: basic services in primary medical assistance; ambulatory medical assistance in clinical specialties; ambulatory medical assistance in the clinical specialty physical medicine and rehabilitation medicine; dental medicine; ambulatory medical assistance for paraclinical specialties; hospital medical assistance; emergency consultations at home and activities related to unassisted sanitary transportation; home medical care; palliative care at home; medical assistance for medical recovery, physical medicine and rehabilitation; medicines with or without personal contribution in ambulatory treatment; medical devices, technologies and assistive devices.

More information at .

Where can I go to get mental health support and how much it costs? Do I need certain documents?

There are many initiatives created in order to offer free mental health support.

  • West University of Timiศ™oara offers psychological counseling for Ukrainian mothers or children that fill this form .
  • You can also contact Regina Maria Private Hospital, which offers free psychological counseling (currently available only in English) for those affected by the situation in Ukraine โ€“ 021 9277.
  • Other resources can also be found on the relevant NGOs public information such as Salvati Copiii , AutismVoice , or at the call center organized by Autism Voice Live at: +40751274628 / +40723586284
  • Another resource which is helping is a group of 15 Psychotherapists helping refugees: +40755046913.

The National Psychological Association of Ukraine, with the support of the UN, the EU launched a free support line. Anyone affected by the hostilities can call the line. All the psychologists have undergone special training, provide counseling according to international standards and adhere to ethical standards.

Call +40 800 400 597, which is available daily from 10:00 to 20:00. All calls are free of charge.

The hotline administrator will accept your request, determine a convenient format and time, and direct you to a free psychologist. You will be offered audio or video sessions lasting up to 50 minutes.