The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What other forms of social support/welfare should I know about? (Buddy systems, etc.) Who is eligible? How does someone apply?

Recognized refugees are entitled to basic care. Basic care can be divided into 2 groups:

1.Basic care in case of private accommodation:

• Proof or prima facie evidence of Ukrainian nationality (e.g. identity document);
• Main residence registration in the administrative area of the district administrative authority granting benefits;
• Domestic bank account: opening of a domestic bank account or indication of a bank account of a person of trust (note: in case of indication of a foreign account, the separate consent of the claimant (refugee) for payment to this account is necessary (e.g. by notation on the survey sheet));
• If applicable, a rental, loan or precarious contract (only if presented can a rental subsidy be granted);
• Registration form.

• Meal allowance (monthly): up to EUR 215,00 for adults; up to EUR 100,00 for minors.
• Rent subsidy (monthly) up to the amount of the actual rent costs (only with proof of a legal relationship in this regard, such as a rental, loan or precarious contract): up to EUR 300.00 for families (two persons or more); up to EUR 150.00 for individuals.
• School supplies for school children: EUR 200.00 per child per year.
• Clothing assistance: EUR 150.00 per person and year.

Cash benefits are generally transferred by the district administrative authorities to the specified account when the benefits are granted. With the granting of basic care, the Ukrainian refugees in need of assistance are also entitled to information, counselling and social support by Caritas and the refugee service of the Diakonie.

2. Basic care with organised accommodation

• Refugees in need of assistance who are placed at organised accommodation, receive a daily meal allowance - EUR 5,50 per person, in total – EUR 165.00 per month plus EUR 40.00 pocket money per month. In addition to accommodation and meals, refugees receive, as with in the case of private accommodation:
• School supplies allowance for school children: EUR 200,00 per child and year
• Clothing allowance: EUR 150.00 per person and year

The school supplies allowance and clothing allowance are paid by the support organisations in the shelters.

Legal counselling.

For questions on stays in Austria, the asylum procedure or other legal issues, you can contact various regional state legal counselling organizations who may offer pro bono advice (for free):

• Vienna (Wien): Caritas Wien mceclip0.png, Asyl in Not mceclip0.png, Diakonie – Unabhängige Beratung Wien mceclip0.png
• Lower Austria (Niederösterreich): Caritas St. Pölten – Flüchtlingsberatung mceclip0.png (link only in German), Diakonie - Unabhängige Beratung Traiskirchen mceclip0.png
• Upper Austria (Oberösterreich): Caritas Oberösterreich mceclip0.png (link only in German)
• Burgenland: Diakonie Mobile Flüchtlingsberatung Oberwart mceclip0.png, SOS Mitmensch Burgenland mceclip0.png (links only in German)
• Styria (Steiermark): Caritas Steiermark mceclip0.png (link only in German), Zebra mceclip0.png
• Carinthia (Kärnten): Diakonie – Unabhängige Beratung Kärnten mceclip0.png
• Salzburg: Diakonie – Unabhängige Beratung Salzburg mceclip0.png
• Tyrol (Tirol): FLUCHTpunkt Innsbruck mceclip0.png, Diakonie – Unabhängige Beratung Tirol mceclip0.png
• Vorarlberg: Caritas Vorarlberg mceclip0.png, Vindex mceclip0.png (links only in German)

German language courses.

The Austrian Integration Fond (ÖIF) offers free of charge German language courses and orientation courses and integration information for example in Lower Austria. More information here mceclip0.png (available in UA language as well).

More information: Wilhelm Urbanek +43 676 611 92 32

List of lawyers mceclip0.png to whom you can turn for (free) legal advice regarding your current situation related to moving from Ukraine.

Free legal assistance of UA Support mceclip0.png for refugees from different countries.

Are there any social benefits I can claim such as child support?

If you recive temporary protection, you are entitled to financial assistance for you and your child. The amount depends if you are residing in private or public housing.

At the moment Ukrainians receive 150 euros as an individual, and 225 euros in board allowance as an adult and 100 euros as a minor. 

Your child can also benefit from free publinc schooling and medical assistance.

Are there any social benefits for pregnant and nursing women?

Refugees from Ukraine can receive maternity benefits while being covered with insurance. This covers medical assistance, assistance from midwives and certified pediatric nurses and infant nurses, as well as medication and care in a hospital.

How can I meet and socialize with other Ukrainians in a similar position?
Are there specific social supports available to me if I am elderly?

You are covered by public health insurance and are eligible for public health support. We encorage you to contact loca helath insurance provider ÖGK mceclip0.png, in case you need any special services or treatment.

Are there specific social supports available to me if I have a disability?

You are covered by public health insurance and are eligible for public health support. We encourage you to contact local health insurance provider ÖGK mceclip0.png, in case you need any special services or treatment.

Also, in case of rare and complex diseases, please reach out mceclip0.png.

How can I help others? What volunteering organisations could I join?
How can Ukrainians apply for a Ukrainian pension abroad?

According to the Ministry of Reintegration, Ukrainians who were forced to go abroad due to the war can now send an application for the appointment or renewal of a pension by mail.

An application for the appointment (renewal) of a pension can be sent to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, regardless of the person's place of registration.

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