The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What documents do I need to work in this country?

Once you have received your โ€œID card for displaced personsโ€ you have full access to the Austrian labor market.

According to the decision of the Austrian parliament, holders of a displaced person card (Blue Card) will be able to get any job in Austria without prior permission and will not have to undergo a preliminary check of wages and working conditions.

In addition, employment for seasonal workers has been simplified - they will only need to prove their German language skills at the A1 level, not A2, as it was before.

In particular, for key employees, skilled workers in shortage professions, and startup founders, knowledge of French, Spanish, Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian at the B1 level will be taken into account. Source .

Where can I search for a job?

You can search for jobs on these websites:

Additionally you can search on these websites that help Ukrainians to find jobs:

Are there any services available to help me find a job?

The Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) is the official Austrian employment agency with locations in various cities and districts called local offices. Your place of residence determines the respective local AMS office.

AMS offers:
โ— Information and advice on employment
โ— Job referrals
โ— German language courses
โ— Training and further education courses
โ— Special offers for women
โ— Information on childcare

Also, this website offers jobs for Ukrainians in Austria.

The city of Vienna is looking for people from Ukraine who have pedagogical, psychological, social or medical education. If you are interested in employment in these areas, register on the Skills4Vienna page .

Are there any diploma and professional equivalence programs? How and where do I apply?

General accreditation rules apply. AMS records data like your education, your professional experiences, and skills as well as other personal facts. You should go to one of the agencies of the AMS with a person that could translate for you and discuss this with them.

Essentially, there are four types of qualification recognition in Austria, as follows:
โ€ข Professional recognition (professional accreditation) of regulated professions.
โ€ข Nostrification of college and school-leaving certificates.
โ€ข Validation of academic degrees and diplomas for the purposes of exercising a profession.
โ€ข Accreditation of skilled trade certificates.

Further information is available at .