The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What childcare options are available for children who are not yet school-aged?

Education is compulsory for all children, French and foreign, from the age of 3 (sometimes 2) until the age of 16. Schools accept kids who don't speak French. Before that you can sign up your children for daycare (crรจche) at mceclip0.pngย . It is free of charge for all kids displaced from Ukraine (details at mceclip0.png).

To enroll your child in kindergraden, you need:

โ€ข Family book (if possible)
โ€ข Child's medical record (if possible)
โ€ข Address confirmation
โ€ข Identity card / passport

For more information you can download this PDF (UKR) mceclip0.pngย .

More useful information is available at mceclip0.png .ย 

How do I enroll my child(ren) into school?

To enroll your child in school:
โ€ข If they are between 3 and 10 years old, the steps must be taken with the town hall of your place of accommodation;
โ€ข If they are between 11 and 18 years old, you can contact either the college or high school closest to your place of accommodation, or the national education services in the department of your place of accommodation.
โ€ข For young people aged 16 to 18 who were not or do not want to go to school, the Departmental National Education Services Directorates (DSDEN) will also support you in finding a job or vocational training.

For further information and a list of contact points click here mceclip0.pngย .

To find out about the aid that can be mobilized for the benefit of students, we invite you to contact the director of the school or the head of the establishment in which your child is educated.

Learn more about the education system at mceclip0.pngย .

How can I enroll my child in a Ukrainian school in first grade if we are abroad?

Documents for admission to the school can be submitted online on the website "Electronic registration in institutions of general secondary education" at the link mceclip0.png. To do this, you need to register on the site, choose an institution of general secondary education, create an application and confirm it with documents in the institution

Electronic registration is not available in Kyiv, but it is possible to submit an application online to the school's e-mail address (at the applicant's choice). Enrollment will be carried out on the basis of the application of one of the parents, submitted in person or scanned copies or photocopies. Documents must confirm the place of residence of the child, one of his parents (or people who replace them) in the territory of the institution. If parents do not have the opportunity to obtain a medical certificate for their child by May 31, this is not a reason to refuse enrollment. Original documents and medical certificates must be submitted to the educational institution no later than August 18, inclusive. More details at the link mceclip0.png.

What happens if my kid gets sick?

Children up to the age of 18 are automatically covered by their parent's health insurance. After receiving the temporary protection the parents will receive a health insurance certificate which is equivalent to Carte Vitale (French state health insurance card). With this certificate you can access free or highly subsidized healthcare.
There are 3 sectors of doctors in France: sector 1 doctors set fixed fees and they fully covered by the public health insurance and additional protection that you receive. Sector 2 and 3 doctors set their own fees, with sector 3 being the most expensive. You may get only partially reimbursed for seeing a doctor from sector 2 and 3. Look for a doctor that's marked "conventionnรฉ", and even better - "conventionnรฉ secteur 1" in order to be fully covered by medical insurance. Another important consideration to be reimbursed is to follow "parcours de soin", to first go to a general practitioner (genรฉraliste) that will refer you to a specialist after the first general appointment.
For children health care you can either contact a generalist that accepts kids or a pediatrician.

More information at mceclip0.pngย .

Also use the Doctolib mceclip0.png website to find a doctor. This is an instruction mceclip0.png on how to book a medical appointment. You can search for "Mรฉdecine de l'enfant et de l'adolescent" to find a pediatrician or a general practitioner that accept kids.

Can I continue my university studies at another university? What documents do I need?

Yes, but you have to apply for admission for the next year. Submission of documents takes place from October 1 to December 15, 2021. Dossiers submitted after this date will not be considered. If you want to continue studying in your program you can transfer to a course corresponding to your academic level in French universities. You can browse available Bachelor programs mceclip0.png and Master programs mceclip0.pngย .
The list of documents for admission to a French university depends on the requirements of a particular institution, but in any case, the student must provide a resume, a cover letter, and sometimes a project proposal.
To recognize your Ukrainian diploma you need to go through a certification process. You can find more information about it at mceclip0.pngย .

Here mceclip0.png is a convenient guide on how to apply for a French university program.
More information can be found at mceclip0.pngย .

The French Eiffel Excellence Scholarship program encourages international students to study for master's and postgraduate degrees in French institutions of higher education. Master's students under the age of 25 and doctoral students under the age of 30 can participate.

More information here mceclip0.png.

You can use the list of universities that help Ukrainian students and scientists on the English-language educational search platform Erudera mceclip0.png. The platform contains 70 offers from universities around the world, including the USA, Australia and Canada. In addition to the country and the name of the university, the table indicates the type of aid and a link mceclip0.png to the university's website.

Science For Ukraine mceclip0.png is a public group of volunteer researchers and students from academic institutions in Europe and around the world who help Ukrainians. You can apply for help through the website, and you can view the entire list of institutions that agree to cooperate with Ukrainian scientists by following the link mceclip0.png.

Useful Telegram channel "Nonformal O" mceclip0.png - scholarships, grants, courses, volunteer projects in all countries for Ukrainians.

Useful Telegram channel "Opportunities" mceclip0.png, where the latest volunteer, educational, career projects in Ukraine and various countries are published. Link to backup channel mceclip0.png.

What languages do I need to speak to be able to study?

Students wishing to study in France have the opportunity to choose an English or French language program. In addition, it is necessary to correlate the level of linguistic training with the requirements of the institution you want to enter.

To enter the first (L1) course of study at a university (bachelor's level), candidates from other countries, including Ukraine, must prove their level of French at least B2. In other cases - for admission to the second (L2) / third year of L3 bachelor's degree or master's degree (Master 1/2) or postgraduate (Doctorat), or to the High School, there are no generally accepted rules for knowledge of French and each institution sets its own requirements on the level of proficiency in French. Information about this can be found on the website of the university you have chosen, or by e-mail directly to the person who works with foreign students.

More information can be found at mceclip0.pngย .

Where can I pass my related language exams (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS)?

To prove the level of English, here you can find dates and locations for TOEFL mceclip0.png exam and fore IELTS mceclip0.png exam in France.
To prove the level of French, you will need to take DELF / DALF exam and you can find the information at mceclip0.pngย .