«Homecoming» is an international project that provides key information and resources for Ukrainians returning to Ukraine. It is implemented by United for Ukraine (UFU) in cooperation with NGO MySyla with the support of the Ministry of Economy and the State Employment Service of Ukraine. The information on this page was collected from publicly available resources.

Professional training

The Employment Service provides training to registered unemployed persons in educational institutions, including vocational training centres of the State Employment Service, in 95 working professions and over 400 educational programmes. Such training is free of charge for the unemployed and is funded by the Compulsory State Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine for Unemployment. Upon successful completion of the training, students receive a state-issued certificate of qualification. A person can learn a new profession at the request of an employer or for self-employment, i.e. when a person plans to become an entrepreneur.

About unemployment status

Unemployment benefit is granted from the first day after a person is granted the relevant status. While martial law is in effect, the duration of the benefit cannot exceed 90 calendar days. However, persons of pre-retirement age (one year before the date of retirement) can expect to receive such assistance for up to 360 calendar days.

How do I register as unemployed?

There are 3 ways to register as unemployed:

  • in person, at the nearest employment centre
  • via the Diia portal
  • through a personal account on the service portal.

Support from the State Employment Service:

If you apply to the Employment Service, specialists will make an individual selection of vacancies for each person, taking into account their education, professional experience and wishes for a future job.

Benefits of registering as unemployed:

  • financial support for the period of job search (unemployment benefit)
  • Opportunity for free vocational training (mastering a new profession/improving qualifications): in vocational schools; educational institutions of the employment service; directly at the workplace at the employer
  • individual career counselling and job search
  • individual support (personal consultant)
  • Opportunity for legal employment, including temporary work (all vacancies are verified)
Opportunity to receive a voucher for training

This is a document that allows certain categories of citizens to upgrade their qualifications or acquire a new profession free of charge according to the list of 124 professions and specialities approved by the Ministry of Economy. The value of the voucher is currently UAH 30,280. This opportunity is available to people who are not registered as unemployed and have vocational or higher education. You can apply for a voucher in paper form or online. Applications are processed within 3 business days.