The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Where can I go to get emergency health care and how much it costs? Do I need certain documents?

Emergency medical care phone: 194 and 112.

In case of minor health problems, contact a doctor at the nearest polyclinic, who will examine you and write a prescription, on the basis of which you will receive medicine at the pharmacy. If necessary, you will be referred for examination by a specialist or for inpatient treatment. To exercise your right to health care, always carry the Certificate of a foreigner who has been granted temporary protection!

Can I talk to a doctor in Ukrainian/Russian?

You can look for doctors speaking the language of your preference using this telegram tool .

Where can I go to fill my subscriptions or treat long-term conditions and how much it costs?

In case of minor health problems, contact a doctor at the nearest polyclinic, who will examine you and write a prescription, on the basis of which you will receive medicine at the pharmacy. If necessary, you will be referred for examination by a specialist or for inpatient treatment. To exercise your right to health care, always carry the Certificate of a foreigner who has been granted temporary protection!

Mรฉdecins du Monde (MdM)

Mรฉdecins du Monde (MdM) / Doctors of the World is an international humanitarian medical organization in Croatia. They operate as part of the Belgian branch of Mรฉdecins du Monde โ€“ Belgique (MdM-BE), a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides emergency and long-term health care to vulnerable groups and advocates for equal access to health care for all.

In Croatia, MdM are implementing two projects related to asylum seekers:

  • Disease prevention, psychological support, access, and assistance in health care for applicants for asylum;
  • Empowerment of women and children to combat sexual and gender-based violence.


Website c.

I am pregnant, where can I get gynecology care?

As a person under temporary protection, by presenting the Temporary Protection Card, you have the right to treatment at offices of, among others, doctors of family medicine, pediatrics and gynecologists. To exercise your right to health care, always carry the Certificate of a foreigner who has been granted temporary protection!

Can I benefit from public health care?

Once you are granted international protection, you are entitled to health care to the same extent as an insured person with compulsory health insurance. This is called health protection. When you start working, you will have health insurance and will be issued with a health insurance card. Until then, when visiting a doctor, you should show your residence permit and the costs of treatment will be covered by the Ministry of Health.

For more information please see:

  • Address: Ksaver 200 A, Zagreb
  • Phone: 0800 7999
  • E-mail:

Children of persons holding temporary protection in Croatia are equal in rights to Croatian children and they have access to full health care.

Do I need to register in order to obtain health coverage and if yes how?

If you were granted temporary protection, you do not need to register to obtain health coverage. When seeking medical assistance (which falls under public healthcare coverage) you need to present your Temporary Protection Card.

What does public healthcare cover?

Public healthcare covers:

  • Treatment of acute conditions and chronic diseases by family doctors, paediatricians, gynaecologists, and emergency dental services.
  • The right to vaccination.
  • Testing and treatment against COVID-19.
  • Vaccination against other infectious diseases.

Children of persons holding temporary protection in Croatia are equal in rights to Croatian children and they have access to full health care.

Where can I go to get mental health support and how much it costs? Do I need certain documents?

If you are granted temporary protection, you are entitled to free psychological counselling and other means of mental health support.

You can contact to these organizations:

Department of Psychotherapy (Cro. Zavod za psihoterapiju)

(for anxiety, psychosomatic and neurotic disorders)

Department of Psychophisiology (Cro. Zavod za psihofiziologiju)

(for sleep deprivation)