The information on this page was collected from public resources.

What other forms of social support/welfare should I know about? (Buddy systems, etc.) Who is eligible? How does someone apply?

Reception centres can provide you with a range of reception services, including healthcare and social services as well as reception allowance.

However, if your residence in Finland is permanent, you may be entitled to financial assistanceย  from Kela mceclip0.png. Kela can consider someone to be living permanently in Finland if:

  • a family member (spouse/partner or under-age child) is already living in Finland
  • they have lived in Finland previously
  • they will work or study in Finland for at least two years.

There may also be an entitlement to Kela benefits for someone who works in Finland and is paid at least EUR 741.75 per month. This must be checked in each particular case. Ukrainians who have not yet received financial assistance from reception centers can request emergency mceclip0.png financial assistance from Kela in the form of vouchers to purchase food and necessary prescription medicines.

Information on the provision of social support mceclip0.png in Ukrainian and Russian from the government (subsidies from the state for those who have lived for a year).


Monthly reception allowance and spending allowance in 2024

Reception allowance:

  • Persons living alone and single parents 348.50 euros (no meals offered/month), 102.15 euros (meals offered by the reception centre/month);
  • Other persons over 18 years of age 294.42 euros (no meals offered/month), 84.12 euros (meals offered by the reception centre/month);
  • Children living with their family 222.32 euros (no meals offered/month), 66.10 euros (meals offered by the reception centre/month).

Free legal assistance of UA Support mceclip0.png for refugees from different countries.

Are there any social benefits I can claim such as child support?

The Social Insurance Institution of Finland pays child support for all children under the age of 17 living permanently in Finland.

Save the Children Finland mceclip0.png, SOS Children's Villages mceclip0.png (contact details only in Finnish), Vamlas Foundation mceclip0.png (for young people with disabilities) are non-governmental bodies which might be able to assist.

Are there any social benefits for pregnant and nursing women?

There are no special benefits, but pregnant and nursing woman are entitled to receive maternity clinic services.

How can I meet and socialize with other Ukrainians in a similar position?

The Association of Ukrainians in Finland has established the Help Center for Ukrainians in Helsinki. There you can receive counseling, psychological support, clothes, and other assistance, as well as socialise with other Ukrainians. Please check their website here mceclip0.png.

Are there specific social supports available to me if I am elderly?

Municipalities are responsible for arranging the social and health services that older people require. Informal carers of elderly people may receive support and other assistance from municipalities.

On pages Acting as an informal carer mceclip0.png you can read more about becoming an informal carer and the financial support and other available help for informal carers. Municipalities may provide transport services for elderly people with limited means who are not able to use public transport.

Further information is available through the information portal on citizens' services mceclip0.png.

Are there specific social supports available to me if I have a disability?

Mobility aids, rehabilitation and services helping in independent living are available to people with disabilities. People with hearing and speech difficulties have the right to receive interpretation services. Many of the services are jointly provided by municipalities and non-governmental organisations.

Informal carers of disabled people may receive support and other assistance from municipalities. In the guide As an informal carer for a loved one mceclip0.png you can read more about becoming an informal carer and the financial support and other available help for informal carers.

Further information is available through the information portal on citizens' services mceclip0.png.

How can I help others? What volunteering organisations could I join?

You can join the Association of Ukrainians in Finland, which is organizing humanitarian aid for those in need in Ukraine and coordinates assistance to Ukrainian refugees arriving in Finland. Please find more information on the website of the organization here mceclip0.png.

How can Ukrainians apply for a Ukrainian pension abroad?

According to the Ministry of Reintegration, Ukrainians who were forced to go abroad due to the war can now send an application for the appointment or renewal of a pension by mail.

An application for the appointment (renewal) of a pension can be sent to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, regardless of the person's place of registration.

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