The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Where can I go to find emergency/short-term housing?

After you have applied for temporary protection, the police/border control must refer you to a reception center, where you can live.

If you have not yet applied for temporary protection yet, social services of your city can organize emergency accommodation for you. If you are in Helsinki, call the Social Services Helpline, tel. +358 9 310 37577, on weekdays at 8:00โ€“12:00 and 13:00โ€“16:00. The Emergency Social Services, tel. +358 206 96006, help in urgent situations in the evenings and at weekends.

Can I access public housing or housing provided by the state? How and where do I apply for public housing?

After you have applied for temporary protection at the police or the border control authority, you are eligible for public housing and will be accommodated at a reception centre. You can stay in reception centres maintained by different types of operators in Finland such as the Finnish Immigration Service, Finnish municipalities, organisations and private companies. Families are accommodated at an apartment or a room of their own. Others are offered communal accommodation where women and men live in their own rooms or apartments.

Accommodation in the center is organized in such a way that you can live there together with your family members, for example, with your spouse or minor children. Unaccompanied minors are accommodated in the reception center for minors. The centers can be of different sizes and are located in different parts of Finland. You will be directed to a center where there is an available seat.

More information on public housing is available here .

How do I find long term housing?

You can find the accomodation for long-term rent on the websites Vuokraovi and Oikotie .

Finnish cities also offer state-subsidised rental housing, which you can apply for on the following websites for different cities:

You can search for "[city name] + "kaupungin asunnotโ€ to find subsidized housing in other cities. Source: FinUA

An option for those who, instead of staying in a reception center, want to live together with volunteer Finns who are ready to receive refugees. Homestay Network has been coordinating home accommodation for asylum seekers since 2015 and is licensed to do so. Home stay is always free and voluntary for both parties. However, it is still recommended to conclude a written agreement on living conditions (housework, distribution of expenses, house rules, etc.).

Join the Facebook group , post on the wall that you are looking for housing, and the organization will help you with your further search. Importantly! Do not provide your personal details, such as address, phone number, or other personal information.

Host selection groups .

EU4UA is a platform for finding housing in Europe together with other Ukrainians

A new roommate search function has been launched on the EU4UA platform.

Renting housing with other people will allow:

  • save money by sharing housing costs with other people;
  • have a greater choice of housing;
  • to find friends, expand the network of social contacts and feel supported in a new country.

Go to the platform via the link .

If I am staying with friends and family in the long term, what documents do I need to fill out to make it official? How can I obtain proof of residency?

You must give your address in a written document to the reception centre where you are registered. You must also show your rental agreement or another document of your accomondation. More information is available here .

You must be able to pay for your accommodation yourself. Living in private accommodation cannot be financially supported by reception centres. If your situation changes and you need accommodation, you will be arranged a place at a reception centre that has room.