The information on this page was collected from public resources.

Where can I go to get emergency health care and how much it costs? Do I need certain documents?

If you need emergency help in life-threatening situations, call 112.

Call Medical Helpline on number 116 117 before you go to an emergency clinic. Medical Helpline will give you general information and guidance on health problems that may require a visit to emergency care services. If in need of urgent care, please contact your local health care centre or hospital emergency care unit. In Helsinki, Jรคtkรคsaari health point (Tyynenmerenkatu 6 L3) is open without an appointment for those arriving from Ukraine on weekdays at 8:30โ€“15:30.

Medical services in Finland .

Can I talk to a doctor in Ukrainian/Russian?

You can call the Global Clinic on 044 977 4547. Volunteer nurse answers the phone and you can get the translator to phone if needed.

Where can I go to fill my subscriptions or treat long-term conditions and how much it costs?

You can acess health services, including getting the prescription for the long-term condition, through your reception centre.

I am pregnant, where can I get gynecology care?

All pregnant women are entitled to the services of the maternity and child health clinics. Contact your refugee reception center and they will make an appointment for you. In Helsinki, maternity and child services are available for pregnant women and children under the age of 7 at Helsinkiโ€™s Itรคkatu Family Centre on weekdays 8:00โ€“14:00, tel. +358 9 310 55530.

Can I benefit from public health care?

Yes, you can receive healthcare services through the reception centres. All people fleeing the conflict will undergo basic health examination and screening for infectious diseases at reception centres and they are entitled to healthcare services deemed necessary.

Minors are entitled to the same healthcare services as local people. Children under 7 years receive health and development screening at child health clinics. Also, vulnerable people (older people, pregnant women, people with disability, people with long-term illnesses, traumatised people) receive the health services they need.

Do I need to register in order to obtain health coverage and if yes how?

No, once you are registered to a reception centre you are entitled to receive reception services, such as health care services. There is a nurse or a public health nurse at every reception centre. If you need medical help, he or she will send you to a doctor. After you have a home municipality, you can access normal public health care services through public health care centres.

Please note that health insurance is mandatory in all EU countries.

What does public healthcare cover?

Public health care covers all health care services once you have a home municipality in Finland. The Finnish Social Insurance Institution reimburses part of the cost of visiting a private healthcare provider once you get a permanent residence permit. You do not need an extra private health care insurance if you are entitled to receive public health care services.

Where can I go to get mental health support and how much it costs? Do I need certain documents?

Each reception centre has a nurse or a public health nurse, either a social worker or a social counsellor, who will be able to assist.

For urgent psychological help the crisis hotline Mieli is available in Ukrainian (09 2525 0114) and Russian (09 2525 0115). For schedule and further information about the service visit the website in Ukrainian or Russian .